Sammanfoga och avsammanfoga celler
Sammanfoga celler
Sammanfoga flera celler i en arbetsblad till en enda cell genom att anropa Cells-samlingen Merge-metod. Ange det cellintervall som ska sammanfogas vid anrop av Merge-metoden.
Fyra celler sammanfogade till en
// For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
// Accessing the reference of the worksheet that is currently active | |
GridWorksheet sheet = GridWeb1.WorkSheets[GridWeb1.ActiveSheetIndex]; | |
// Merging cells starting from the cell with 3rd row and 3rd column. | |
// 2 rows and 2 columns will be merged from the starting cell | |
sheet.Cells.Merge(2, 2, 2, 2); |
Avsakmanfoga celler
För att avsakmanfoga celler, använd Cells-samlingens UnMerge-metod som tar samma parametrar som Merge-metoden och utför avsakmanfogningen av celler.
// For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
// Accessing the reference of the worksheet that is currently active | |
GridWorksheet sheet = GridWeb1.WorkSheets[GridWeb1.ActiveSheetIndex]; | |
// Unmerging cells starting from the cell with 3rd row and 3rd column. | |
// 2 rows and 2 columns will be unmerged from the starting cell | |
sheet.Cells.UnMerge(2, 2, 2, 2); |