在 Python 中将工作表转换为 SVG

Aspose.Cells - 将工作表转换为 SVG

要使用 Python 中的 Aspose.Cells for Java 将工作表转换为 SVG,只需调用工作表_到_Converter 模块的 svg() 方法。

Python 代码

 saveFormat = self.SaveFormat

workbook = self.Workbook(self.dataDir + "Book1.xls")

# Convert each worksheet into svg format in a single page.

imgOptions = ImageOrPrintOptions()



# Convert each worksheet into svg format

sheetCount = workbook.getWorksheets().getCount()

# for(i=0; i<sheetCount; i++)

for i in range(sheetCount):

sheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(i)

sr = SheetRender(sheet, imgOptions)

pageCount = sr.getPageCount()

# for (k = 0 k < pageCount k++)

for k in range(pageCount):

# Output the worksheet into Svg image format

sr.toImage(k, self.dataDir + sheet.getName() + ".out.svg")

\# Print message

print "Excel to SVG conversion completed successfully."


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