在 PHP 中复制行和列

Aspose.Cells - 复制行和列



copyRow 方法采用以下参数:

  • 源 Cells 对象,
  • 源行索引,和
  • 目标行索引。


 public static function copy_rows($dataDir)


    # Instantiating a Workbook object by excel file path

    $workbook = new Workbook($dataDir . 'Book1.xls');

    # Accessing the first worksheet in the Excel file

    $worksheet = $workbook->getWorksheets()->get(0);

    # Copy the second row with data, formattings, images and drawing objects

    # to the 12th row in the $worksheet->


    # Saving the modified Excel file in default (that is Excel 2003) format

    $workbook->save($dataDir . "Copy Rows.xls");

    print "Copy Rows Successfully." . PHP_EOL;



Aspose.Cells 提供了 Cells 类的 copyColumn 方法,该方法将所有类型的数据,包括公式(带有更新的引用)和值、注释、单元格格式、隐藏单元格、图像和其他绘图对象从源列复制到目标列。

copyColumn 方法采用以下参数:

  • 源 Cells 对象,
  • 源列索引,和
  • 目标列索引。


 public static function copy_columns($dataDir)


    # Instantiating a Workbook object by excel file path

    $workbook = new Workbook();

    # Accessing the first worksheet in the Excel file

    $worksheet = $workbook->getWorksheets()->get(0);

    # Put some data into header rows (A1:A4)

    $i = 0;

    while($i < 5)


        $worksheet->getCells()->get($i, 0)->setValue("Header Row #$i");



    # Put some detail data (A5:A999)

    $i = 5;

    while ($i < 1000) {

        $worksheet->getCells()->get($i, 0)->setValue("Detail Row #$i");



    # Create another Workbook.

    $workbook1 = new Workbook();

    # Get the first worksheet in the book.

    $worksheet1 = $workbook1->getWorksheets()->get(0);

    # Copy the first column from the first worksheet of the first workbook into

    # the first worksheet of the second workbook.


    # Autofit the column.


    # Saving the modified Excel file in default (that is Excel 2003) format

    $workbook->save($dataDir . "Copy Columns.xls");

    print "Copy Columns Successfully." . PHP_EOL;



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