

有时开发人员希望阻止Excel在保存的XLSX文件中包含打印机设置的*.bin*文件。打印机设置文件位于*“[file “root”]\xl\printerSettings”*。本文介绍了如何使用Aspose.Cells API移除现有的打印机设置。






//Source directory
string sourceDir = RunExamples.Get_SourceDirectory();
//Output directory
string outputDir = RunExamples.Get_OutputDirectory();
//Load source Excel file
Workbook wb = new Workbook(sourceDir + "sampleRemoveExistingPrinterSettingsOfWorksheets.xlsx");
//Get the sheet counts of the workbook
int sheetCount = wb.Worksheets.Count;
//Iterate all sheets
for (int i = 0; i < sheetCount; i++)
//Access the i-th worksheet
Worksheet ws = wb.Worksheets[i];
//Access worksheet page setup
PageSetup ps = ws.PageSetup;
//Check if printer settings for this worksheet exist
if (ps.PrinterSettings != null)
//Print the following message
Console.WriteLine("PrinterSettings of this worksheet exist.");
//Print sheet name and its paper size
Console.WriteLine("Sheet Name: " + ws.Name);
Console.WriteLine("Paper Size: " + ps.PaperSize);
//Remove the printer settings by setting them null
ps.PrinterSettings = null;
Console.WriteLine("Printer settings of this worksheet are now removed by setting it null.");
//Save the workbook
wb.Save(outputDir + "outputRemoveExistingPrinterSettingsOfWorksheets.xlsx");


 PrinterSettings of this worksheet exist.

Sheet Name: Sheet1

Paper Size: PaperLegal

Printer settings of this worksheet are now removed by setting it null.

PrinterSettings of this worksheet exist.

Sheet Name: Sheet2

Paper Size: PaperEnvelopeB5

Printer settings of this worksheet are now removed by setting it null.

PrinterSettings of this worksheet exist.

Sheet Name: Sheet3

Paper Size: PaperA6

Printer settings of this worksheet are now removed by setting it null.

PrinterSettings of this worksheet exist.

Sheet Name: Sheet4

Paper Size: PaperA3

Printer settings of this worksheet are now removed by setting it null.