在智能标记中分组数据时使用Image Markers

在智能标记中分组数据时使用Image Markers





然后填充数据源数据,并调用WorkbookDesigner.Process() 方法处理智能标记标签。代码使用了这些图片即moon.pngmoon2.png,但您可以使用任何图片。

// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-cells/Aspose.Cells-for-.NET
public class UsingImageMarkersWhileGroupingDataInSmartMarkers
class Person
// Create Name, City and Photo properties
private string m_Name;
private string m_City;
private byte[] m_Photo;
public Person(string name, string city, byte[] photo)
m_Name = name;
m_City = city;
m_Photo = photo;
public string Name
get { return m_Name; }
set { m_Name = value; }
public string City
get { return m_City; }
set { m_City = value; }
public byte[] Photo
get { return m_Photo; }
set { m_Photo = value; }
public static void Run()
// The path to the documents directory.
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
// Get the images
byte[] photo1 = File.ReadAllBytes(dataDir + "moon.png");
byte[] photo2 = File.ReadAllBytes(dataDir + "moon2.png");
// Create a new workbook and access its worksheet
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
// Set the standard row height to 35
worksheet.Cells.StandardHeight = 35;
// Set column widhts of D, E and F
worksheet.Cells.SetColumnWidth(3, 20);
worksheet.Cells.SetColumnWidth(4, 20);
worksheet.Cells.SetColumnWidth(5, 40);
// Add the headings in columns D, E and F
Style st = worksheet.Cells["D1"].GetStyle();
st.Font.IsBold = true;
// Add smart marker tags in columns D, E, F
// Create Persons objects with photos
List<Person> persons = new List<Person>();
persons.Add(new Person("George", "New York", photo1));
persons.Add(new Person("George", "New York", photo2));
persons.Add(new Person("George", "New York", photo1));
persons.Add(new Person("George", "New York", photo2));
persons.Add(new Person("Johnson", "London", photo2));
persons.Add(new Person("Johnson", "London", photo1));
persons.Add(new Person("Johnson", "London", photo2));
persons.Add(new Person("Simon", "Paris", photo1));
persons.Add(new Person("Simon", "Paris", photo2));
persons.Add(new Person("Simon", "Paris", photo1));
persons.Add(new Person("Henry", "Sydney", photo2));
persons.Add(new Person("Henry", "Sydney", photo1));
persons.Add(new Person("Henry", "Sydney", photo2));
// Create a workbook designer
WorkbookDesigner designer = new WorkbookDesigner(workbook);
// Set the data source and process smart marker tags
designer.SetDataSource("Person", persons);
// Save the workbook
workbook.Save(dataDir + "UsingImageMarkersWhileGroupingDataInSmartMarkers.xlsx", SaveFormat.Xlsx);