Create Organization Chart

** Create a Organization Chart**

This section explains how to create a organization chart using Aspose.Diagram.

Create a CompactTree style Organization Chart

The Layout method of the Page class auto layout the shapes and connectors in the page as a CompactTree style Organization Chart.

The code below shows how to:

  1. Create a diagram from stencil.
  2. Add organization node shapes to page.
  3. Add connectors to page to connect shape and its parent.
  4. Auto layout by invoking Layout mothod
  5. save diagram

Create a CompactTree style Organization Chart Programming Sample

Use the following code to Create a CompactTree style Organization Chart using Aspose.Diagram.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// The path to the documents directory.
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_CompactTreeChart();
// Load masters from any existing diagram, stencil or template
// And add in the new diagram
string visioStencil = dataDir + "Basic Shapes.vss";
const string rectangleMaster = "Rectangle";
const string connectorMaster = "Dynamic connector";
const int pageNumber = 0;
const double width = 1;
const double height = 1;
double pinX = 4.25;
double pinY = 9.5;
// Define values to construct the hierarchy
List<string> listPos = new List<string>(new string[] { "0", "0:0", "0:1", "0:2", "0:3", "0:4", "0:5", "0:6", "0:0:0", "0:0:1", "0:3:0", "0:3:1", "0:3:2", "0:6:0", "0:6:1" });
// Define a Hashtable to map the string name to long shape id
Hashtable shapeIdMap = new Hashtable();
// Create a new diagram
Diagram diagram = new Diagram(visioStencil);
diagram.Pages[pageNumber].PageSheet.PageProps.PageWidth.Value = 11;
foreach (string orgnode in listPos)
// Add a new rectangle shape
long rectangleId = diagram.AddShape(pinX++, pinY++, width, height, rectangleMaster, pageNumber);
// Set the new shape's properties
Shape shape = diagram.Pages[pageNumber].Shapes.GetShape(rectangleId);
shape.Text.Value.Add(new Txt(orgnode));
shape.Name = orgnode;
shapeIdMap.Add(orgnode, rectangleId);
// Create connections between nodes
foreach (string orgName in listPos)
int lastColon = orgName.LastIndexOf(':');
if(lastColon > 0)
string parendName = orgName.Substring(0, lastColon);
long shapeId = (long)shapeIdMap[orgName];
long parentId = (long)shapeIdMap[parendName];
Shape connector1 = new Shape();
long connecter1Id = diagram.AddShape(connector1, connectorMaster, pageNumber);
diagram.Pages[pageNumber].ConnectShapesViaConnector(parentId, ConnectionPointPlace.Right,
shapeId, ConnectionPointPlace.Left, connecter1Id);
//auto layout CompactTree chart
LayoutOptions compactTreeOptions = new LayoutOptions
LayoutStyle = LayoutStyle.CompactTree,
Direction = LayoutDirection.DownThenRight,
EnlargePage = false
// Save diagram
diagram.Save(dataDir + "CompactTreeChart_out.vsdx", SaveFileFormat.VSDX);

Create a FlowChart style Organization Chart

The Layout method of the Page class auto layout the shapes and connectors in the page as a FlowChart style Organization Chart.

The code below shows how to:

  1. Create a diagram from stencil.
  2. Add organization node shapes to page.
  3. Add connectors to page to connect shape and its parent.
  4. Auto layout by invoking Layout mothod
  5. save diagram

Create a FlowChart style Organization Chart Programming Sample

Use the following code to Create a FlowChart style Organization Chart using Aspose.Diagram.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// The path to the documents directory.
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_FlowChart();
// Load masters from any existing diagram, stencil or template
// And add in the new diagram
string visioStencil = dataDir + "Basic Shapes.vss";
const string rectangleMaster = "Rectangle";
const string connectorMaster = "Dynamic connector";
const int pageNumber = 0;
const double width = 1;
const double height = 1;
double pinX = 4.25;
double pinY = 9.5;
// Define values to construct the hierarchy
List<string> listPos = new List<string>(new string[] { "0", "0:0", "0:1", "0:2", "0:3", "0:4", "0:5", "0:6", "0:0:0", "0:0:1", "0:3:0", "0:3:1", "0:3:2", "0:6:0", "0:6:1" });
// Define a Hashtable to map the string name to long shape id
Hashtable shapeIdMap = new Hashtable();
// Create a new diagram
Diagram diagram = new Diagram(visioStencil);
foreach (string orgnode in listPos)
// Add a new rectangle shape
long rectangleId = diagram.AddShape(pinX++, pinY++, width, height, rectangleMaster, pageNumber);
// Set the new shape's properties
Shape shape = diagram.Pages[pageNumber].Shapes.GetShape(rectangleId);
shape.Text.Value.Add(new Txt(orgnode));
shape.Name = orgnode;
shapeIdMap.Add(orgnode, rectangleId);
// Create connections between nodes
foreach (string orgName in listPos)
int lastColon = orgName.LastIndexOf(':');
if(lastColon > 0)
string parendName = orgName.Substring(0, lastColon);
long shapeId = (long)shapeIdMap[orgName];
long parentId = (long)shapeIdMap[parendName];
Shape connector1 = new Shape();
long connecter1Id = diagram.AddShape(connector1, connectorMaster, pageNumber);
diagram.Pages[pageNumber].ConnectShapesViaConnector(parentId, ConnectionPointPlace.Right,
shapeId, ConnectionPointPlace.Left, connecter1Id);
//auto layout FlowChart
LayoutOptions flowChartOptions = new LayoutOptions
LayoutStyle = LayoutStyle.FlowChart,
Direction = LayoutDirection.TopToBottom,
EnlargePage = true
// Save diagram
diagram.Save(dataDir + "FlowChart_out.vsdx", SaveFileFormat.VSDX);