Retrieve an ActiveX Control from a Shape Object to Modify Properties

Retrieve an ActiveX Control Programming Sample

Shape class offers ActiveXControl property which allows developers to retrieve an ActiveX control from a Visio shape object. Developers can cast an ActiveX control in the appropriate ActiveX control class, and then set its all available properties.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// The path to the documents directory.
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_VisioActiveXControls();
// Load and get a Visio page by name
Diagram diagram = new Diagram(dataDir + "Drawing1.vsd");
Page page = diagram.Pages.GetPage("Page-1");
// Get a shape by ID
Shape shape = page.Shapes.GetShape(1);
// Get an ActiveX control
CommandButtonActiveXControl cbac = (CommandButtonActiveXControl)shape.ActiveXControl;
// Set width, height and caption of the command button control
cbac.Width = 4;
cbac.Height = 4;
cbac.Caption = "Test Button";
// Save diagram
diagram.Save(dataDir + "RetrieveActiveXControl_out.vsdx", SaveFileFormat.VSDX);