Tillämpa annan stil på varje textvärde för en form i PHP
Aspose.Diagram - Använd olika stilar på varje textvärde i en form
Att tillämpa olika stilar på varje textvärde i en form med hjälp avAspose.Diagram Java för PHP , helt enkelt åberopaAddShapeTextAndStyles modul. Här kan du se exempelkod.
# Create instance of Diagram
$diagram = new Diagram($dataDir."Drawing.vsd");
\# Get a particular shape
$shape=$diagram->getPages()->getPage("Flow 1")->getShapes()->getShape(1);
\# Clear shape text values and chars
\# Mark character run and add text
$shape->getText()->getValue()->add(new Cp(0));
$shape->getText()->getValue()->add(new Txt("TextStyle_Regular"));
$shape->getText()->getValue()->add(new Cp(1));
$shape->getText()->getValue()->add(new Txt("TextStyle_Bold_Italic"));
$shape->getText()->getValue()->add(new Cp(2));
$shape->getText()->getValue()->add(new Txt("TextStyle_Underline_Italic"));
$shape->getText()->getValue()->add(new Cp(3));
$shape->getText()->getValue()->add(new Txt("TextStyle_Bold_Italic_Underline"));
\# Add formatting characters
$shape->getChars()->add(new Char());
$shape->getChars()->add(new Char());
$shape->getChars()->add(new Char());
$shape->getChars()->add(new Char());
$style_value = new StyleValue();
\# Set properties e.g. color, font, size and style etc.
\# Set properties e.g. color, font, size and style etc.
(int)(string)$shape->getChars()->getChar(1)->getStyle()->setValue((string)$style_value->BOLD | (string)$style_value->ITALIC);
\# Set properties e.g. color, font, size and style etc.
(int)(string)$shape->getChars()->getChar(2)->getStyle()->setValue((string)$style_value->UNDERLINE | (string)$style_value->ITALIC);
\# Save diagram
$saveFileFormat=new SaveFileFormat();
$diagram->save($dataDir."AddShapeTextAndStyles.vdx", $saveFileFormat->VDX);
print "Added shape text and styles.".PHP_EOL;
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