Render Sequence of Pages using PageIndex and PageCount Properties of ImageOrPrintOptions

Possible Usage Scenarios

You can render a sequence of pages of your Excel file to images using Aspose.Cells with ImageOrPrintOptions.PageIndex and ImageOrPrintOptions.PageCount properties. These properties are useful when there are so many e.g. thousands of pages in your worksheet but you want to render some of them only. This will not only save the processing time but will also save the memory consumption of the rendering process.

Render Sequence of Pages using PageIndex and PageCount Properties of ImageOrPrintOptions

The following sample code loads the sample Excel file and renders only pages 4, 5, 6, and 7 using the ImageOrPrintOptions.PageIndex and ImageOrPrintOptions.PageCount properties. Here are the rendered pages generated by the code.

todo:image_alt_text todo:image_alt_text
todo:image_alt_text todo:image_alt_text

Sample Code