Parsing Outlook Message Files

Aspose.Email for Java provides the MapiMessage class that is used to open and parse an MSG file. As there may be many recipients in an MSG file, the MapiMessage class exposes the getRecipients() method that returns a MapiRecipientCollection which represents a collection of MapiRecipient objects. The MapiRecipient object further exposes methods for working with recipient attributes.

The following sequence of steps serves this purpose:

  1. Create an instance of the MapiMessage class to load an MSG file from the Load static method.
  2. Display the sender name, subject, and body from the MSG file using getSenderName(), getSubject() and getBody() methods.
  3. Call the getRecipients() method exposed by the MapiRecipient class to get a reference to the collection of MapiRecipient objects associated with the MSG file.
  4. Loop through the MapiRecipientCollection collection to display contents for each MapiRecipient object through its public methods.
// The path to the resource directory.
String dataDir = Utils.getSharedDataDir(ParsingOutlookMessageFiles.class) + "outlook/";

//Instantiate an MSG file to load an MSG file from disk
MapiMessage outlookMessageFile = MapiMessage.fromFile(dataDir + "message.msg");
//Display sender's name
System.out.println("Sender Name : " + outlookMessageFile.getSenderName());
//Display Subject
System.out.println("Subject : " + outlookMessageFile.getSubject());
//Display Body
System.out.println("Body : " + outlookMessageFile.getBody());
//Display Recipient's info
System.out.println("Recipients : \n");

//Loop through the recipients collection associated with the MapiMessage object
for (int i = 0; i < outlookMessageFile.getRecipients().size(); i++) {
	//Set a reference to the MapiRecipient object
	MapiRecipient rcp = (MapiRecipient) outlookMessageFile.getRecipients().get_Item(i);
	//Display recipient email address
	System.out.println("Email : " + rcp.getEmailAddress());
	//Display recipient name
	System.out.println("Name : " + rcp.getDisplayName());
	//Display recipient type
	System.out.println("Recipient Type : " + rcp.getRecipientType());

Get an Item Type of a MAPI Message

Aspose.Email offers a MapiItemType enum that represents an item type. It can be used for message conversion into an object of a corresponding class derived from the IMapiMessageItem interface. This avoids users from checking the MessageClass property value before message conversion.

The following code sample demonstrates how to iterate through the messages in a folder and convert each MAPI message to a corresponding MAPI item type, depending on the type of the message:

for (MessageInfo messageInfo : folder.enumerateMessages()) {
    MapiMessage msg = pst.extractMessage(messageInfo);

    switch (msg.getSupportedType()) {
        // Non-supported type. MapiMessage cannot be converted to an appropriate item type.
        // Just use in MSG format.
        case MapiItemType.None:
        // An email message. Conversion isn't required.
        case MapiItemType.Message:
        // A contact item. Can be converted to MapiContact.
        case MapiItemType.Contact:
            MapiContact contact = (MapiContact) msg.toMapiMessageItem();
        // A calendar item. Can be converted to MapiCalendar.
        case MapiItemType.Calendar:
            MapiCalendar calendar = (MapiCalendar) msg.toMapiMessageItem();
        // A distribution list. Can be converted to MapiDistributionList.
        case MapiItemType.DistList:
            MapiDistributionList dl = (MapiDistributionList) msg.toMapiMessageItem();
        // A Journal entry. Can be converted to MapiJournal.
        case MapiItemType.Journal:
            MapiJournal journal = (MapiJournal) msg.toMapiMessageItem();
        // A StickyNote. Can be converted to MapiNote.
        case MapiItemType.Note:
            MapiNote note = (MapiNote) msg.toMapiMessageItem();
        // A Task item. Can be converted to MapiTask.
        case MapiItemType.Task:
            MapiTask task = (MapiTask) msg.toMapiMessageItem();