How to run examples

Our sample applications are the fastest and easiest way to get familiar with Aspose.OCR for .NET and to explore its features and capabilities.

System requirements

Your system must meet the following requirements to run the examples:

  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 or later.
  • NuGet package manager with package source enabled.
  • Active internet connection for obtaining Aspose.OCR package through NuGet Automatic Package Restore.
    Alternatively, you can download Aspose.OCR for .NET package from our web site and reference it in the example project.

Downloading the examples

All Aspose.OCR for .NET examples are hosted on GitHub. You can either clone the repository using your favorite GitHub client or download it as a ZIP archive.

  1. Extract the contents of the downloaded ZIP archive to the local machine (if necessary).
  2. Data subfolder of the Examples folder contains all the source files required to run examples.
  3. Open Aspose.OCR.Examples.CSharp.sln solution file from Examples folder with Microsoft Visual Studio.
  4. Open RunExamples.cs file and uncomment the examples you want to run.
  5. Build the project in x64, x86 or AnyCPU mode. On the first run, all required dependencies will be automatically downloaded via NuGet.

Feel free to contact us through our [Free Support Forum] ( if you have any problems running the examples.


All examples in the repository are open source and are free to use in your own applications.

If you would like to add or improve the example, do not hesitate to contribute to the project. Fork the repository, edit the source code and create a pull request. We will review proposed changes and include them in the master branch.