External dependencies
Aspose.OCR for .NET relies on the following third-party components:
- Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime version 1.18.0 (for Aspose.OCR package only).
- Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.Gpu version 1.7.1 (for Aspose.OCR-GPU only).
- Aspose.Drawing version 24.7.
- Aspose.PDF version 24.2.
These packages are automatically installed when you install Aspose.OCR / Aspose.OCR-GPU for .NET NuGet package. You will only need to add these packages if you install Aspose.OCR for .NET using the MSI installer or by manually adding Aspose.Ocr.dll library to the project.
The Aspose.OCR for .NET library is optimized and tested for the listed third-party component versions. Using other versions, including latest releases, can potentially introduce compatibility issues and unexpected errors.