Common recognition settings

Aspose.OCR for Python via .NET allows for very flexible customization of recognition accuracy, performance, and other settings by configuring the properties of the RecognitionSettings object.

These universal settings are applicable when extracting text from single-page and multi-page images, scanned PDFs, DjVu files, folders, archives and other content.

Setting Type Default value Description
allowed_symbols string All characters of the selected language The whitelist of characters Aspose.OCR engine will look for.
detect_areas_mode DetectAreasMode auto Manually override the default document areas detection method.
ignored_symbols string none A blacklist of characters that are ignored during recognition.
language Language Language.NONE Specify a language for recognition.
lines_filtration boolean false Set to true to recognize text in tables.
Set to false to improve performance by ignoring table structures and treating tables as plain text.
recognize_single_line boolean false Recognize a single-line image. Disables automatic document region detection.
Improves the recognition performance of simple images.
upscale_small_font boolean false Improve small font recognition and detection of dense lines.
automatic_color_inversion boolean true Improve recognition accuracy of white text on a dark/black background. If you are not optimizing every aspect of recognition (for example, for online applications or entry-level devices), leave this setting set to true.
This setting is only applicable when using one of the following document area detection modes:
threads_count integer auto The number of CPU threads used for recognition.

Applicable to


The following code example shows how to fine-tune recognition:

# Instantiate Aspose.OCR API
api = AsposeOcr()
# Add images to the recognition batch
input = OcrInput(InputType.SINGLE_IMAGE)
# Customize recognition settings
recognitionSettings = RecognitionSettings()
recognitionSettings.language = Language.UKR
recognitionSettings.detect_areas_mode = DetectAreasMode.TABLE
# Recognize the image
result = api.recognize(input, recognitionSettings)
# Print recognition result
input("Press Enter to continue...")