Convert image to EPS | Java API Solution
Aspose.Page API solution has conversion functionality that can be added to your own app or software. This chapter has separate articles devoted to the conversion with the code examples, to make the integration process as easy as possible for you.
Convert image to EPS
Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) — is file format created by Adobe Systems based on the PostScript language subset. It is aimed to exchange graphics data between different apps. EPS or abbreviated Encapsulated PostScript file is a PostScript language file that contains the description of only one page and is intended for embedding (encapsulating) one PostScript file into another one.
The EPS file can be opened by Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop (later versions), Inkscape and Gimp graphics editors. You can also see the content of the file with some web solutions like Aspose.Page Viewer. For many users it will be more comfortable to transform the file to a format they have some software to work with.
To see how to convert an image to EPS file programmatically with the help of our solution go and check the next articles: