What's new from C++
What’s new in Aspose.PDF 24.11
The loading of DJVU images is implemented:
auto doc = System::MakeObject<Document>(u"example.djvu"), System::MakeObject<DjvuLoadOptions>());
What’s new in Aspose.PDF 24.10
The loading of CDR images is implemented:
auto doc = System::MakeObject<Document>(u"example.cdr"), System::MakeObject<CdrLoadOptions>());
What’s new in Aspose.PDF 24.8
Ability to add SVG images to a page:
auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();
auto page = doc->get_Pages()->Add();
page->AddImage(u"example.svg", MakeObject<Aspose::Pdf::Rectangle>(100, 100, 400, 400));
What’s new in Aspose.PDF 24.4
Fixed an issue with loading SVG images:
auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(u"example.svg", MakeObject<SvgLoadOptions>());
What’s new in Aspose.PDF 24.3
Converting PDF documents to TIFF format:
auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(u"example.pdf");
auto device = MakeObject<TiffDevice>();
auto settings = device->get_Settings();
auto stream = MakeObject<FileStream>(u"example.tiff", FileMode::Create, FileAccess::Write);
device->Process(doc, 1, doc->get_Pages()->get_Count(), stream);
What’s new in Aspose.PDF 24.2
Since 24.2 was implemented:
The JPXDecoder performance has been improved.
Fixed reading documents with broken structure.
What’s new in Aspose.PDF 23.7
- The saving of PDF documents into EPUB format has been introduced:
void ConvertPDFtoEPUB()
std::clog << __func__ << ": Start" << std::endl;
// String for path name
String _dataDir("C:\\Samples\\Conversion\\");
// String for input file name
String infilename("sample.pdf");
// String for output file name
String outfilename("PDFToEPUB_out.epub");
// Open document
auto document = MakeObject<Document>(_dataDir + infilename);
// Save PDF file into EPUB format
document->Save(_dataDir + outfilename, SaveFormat::Epub);
std::clog << __func__ << ": Finish" << std::endl;
- Loading PCL format files has been implemented:
int main(int argc, char** argv)
auto options = System::MakeObject<PclLoadOptions>();
options->ConversionEngine = Aspose::Pdf::PclLoadOptions::ConversionEngines::NewEngine;
options->SupressErrors = false;
auto doc = System::MakeObject<Document>(u"c:/aspose.pcl", options);
catch (const System::Exception& error)
Console::WriteLine(u"Error: {0}", error->get_Message());
return 1;
catch (const std::exception& error)
std::cerr << "Error: " << error.what() << std::endl;
return 1;
return 0;
What’s new in Aspose.PDF 23.1
From 23.1 the support of Dicom format images was added:
int main()
auto document = MakeObject<Document>();
auto page = document->get_Pages()->Add();
auto image = MakeObject<Image>();
image->set_ImageStream(MakeObject<FileStream>(u"c:/aspose.pdf/Aspose.dcm", FileMode::Open, FileAccess::Read));
What’s new in Aspose.PDF 22.11
From 22.11 announced the first Public Release of Aspose.PDF for C++ macOS.
We are pleased to announce the first public release of Aspose.PDF for C++ macOS. Aspose.PDF for C++ macOS is a proprietary C++ library that allows developers to create and manipulate PDF documents without using Adobe Acrobat. Aspose.PDF for C++ macOS allows developers to create forms, add/edit text, manipulate PDF pages, add annotations, process custom fonts, and more.
What’s new in Aspose.PDF 22.5
Support of XFA forms in PDF documents was implemented.
What’s new in Aspose.PDF 22.4
The new version of Aspose.PDF for C++ has a codebase of Aspose.PDF for .Net 22.4 and Aspose.Imaging 22.4.
- the System::Drawing::GetThumbnailImage() method was implemented;
- the RegionDataNodeRect constructor was optimized;
- the 1 bit per pixel black-and-white image loading was fixed.
What’s new in Aspose.PDF 22.3
The method overloads were added to numerous classes. These support ArrayView-typed parameters where only ArrayPtr was supported previously.
What’s new in Aspose.PDF 22.1
The new version of Aspose.PDF for C++ has a codebase of Aspose.PDF for .Net 22.1:
the new implementation for System::Xml was provided. Previously, we had custom implementation which was based on the libxml2 and libxslt libraries. The new version is based on the ported CoreFX code
the double-conversion library was upgraded to 3.1.7 version
Dll files are signed with Aspose certificate
What’s new in Aspose.PDF 21.10
Aspose.PDF for C++ support feature to convert SVG to PDF format
The following code snippet shows the process of converting SVG file into PDF format with Aspose.PDF for C++.
void ConvertSVGtoPDF()
std::clog << "SVG to PDF convert: Start" << std::endl;
String _dataDir("C:\\Samples\\Conversion\\");
String infilename("sample.svg");
String outfilename("ImageToPDF-SVG.pdf");
auto options = MakeObject<SvgLoadOptions>();
try {
auto document = MakeObject<Document>(_dataDir + infilename, options);
document->Save(_dataDir + outfilename);
catch (System::Exception ex) {
std::cerr << ex->get_Message() << std::endl;
std::clog << "SVG to PDF convert: Finish" << std::endl;
Сonsider an example with advanced features:
void ConvertSVGtoPDF_Advanced()
std::clog << "SVG to PDF convert: Start" << std::endl;
String _dataDir("C:\\Samples\\Conversion\\");
String infilename("Aspose.svg");
String outfilename("ImageToPDF-SVG.pdf");
auto options = MakeObject<SvgLoadOptions>();
options->ConversionEngine = SvgLoadOptions::ConversionEngines::NewEngine;
try {
auto document = MakeObject<Document>(_dataDir + infilename, options);
document->Save(_dataDir + outfilename);
catch (System::Exception ex) {
std::cerr << ex->get_Message() << std::endl;
std::clog << "SVG to PDF convert: Finish" << std::endl;
What’s new in Aspose.PDF 21.4
Saving PDF documents to HTML format has been implemented
Aspose.PDF for C++ support the features to convert a PDF file into HTML.
int main()
auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(u"e:\\sample.pdf");
doc->Save(u"e:\\sample.html", SaveFormat::Html);