Extract and Save an Attachment

Get Attachments From PDF Document

With Aspose.PDF, it is possible to get all attachments from a PDF document. This is useful either when you want to save the documents separately from the PDF, or if you need to strip a PDF of attachments.

The following code snippets show how to get all the attachments from a PDF document.

   public static void GetAttachmentsFromPDFDocument() {
// Open document
Document pdfDocument = new Document(_dataDir+"input.pdf");
  // Get particular embedded file
  FileSpecification fileSpecification = pdfDocument.getEmbeddedFiles().get_Item(1);
  // Get the file properties
  System.out.printf("Name: - " + fileSpecification.getName());
  System.out.printf("\nDescription: - " + fileSpecification.getDescription());
  System.out.printf("\nMime Type: - " + fileSpecification.getMIMEType());
  // Get attachment form PDF file
  try {
   InputStream input = fileSpecification.getContents();
   File file = new File(fileSpecification.getName());
   // Create path for file from pdf
   // Create and extract file from pdf
   java.io.FileOutputStream output = new java.io.FileOutputStream(fileSpecification.getName(), true);
   byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
   int n = 0;
   while (-1 != (n = input.read(buffer)))
    output.write(buffer, 0, n);
   // Close InputStream object
  } catch (IOException e) {
  // Close Document object

Get Attachment Information

As mentioned in Get Attachments from a PDF Document, attachment information is held in the FileSpecification object, gathered with other attachments in the Document object’s EmbeddedFiles collection.

The FileSpecification object provides methods that get information about the attachment, for example:

  • getName() – gets the file name.
  • getDescription() – gets the file description.
  • getMIMEType() – gets the file’s MIME type.
  • getParams() – information about the file parameters, for example CheckSum, CreationDate, ModDate and Size.

To get these parameters, first make sure that the getParams() method does not return null.

Either loop through all of the attachments in the EmbeddedFiles collection using for loop, or get an individual attachment by specifying its index value. The following code snippet shows how to get information about a specific attachment.

    public static void GetAttachmentInformation() {
  // Open document
  Document pdfDocument = new Document(_dataDir+"input.pdf");
  // Get particular embedded file
  FileSpecification fileSpecification = pdfDocument.getEmbeddedFiles().get_Item(1);
  // Get the file properties
  System.out.println("Name:-" + fileSpecification.getName());
  System.out.println("Description:- " + fileSpecification.getDescription());
  System.out.println("Mime Type:-" + fileSpecification.getMIMEType());
  // Check if parameter object contains the parameters
  if (fileSpecification.getParams() != null) {
   System.out.println("CheckSum:- " + fileSpecification.getParams().getCheckSum());
   System.out.println("Creation Date:- " + fileSpecification.getParams().getCreationDate());
   System.out.println("Modification Date:- " + fileSpecification.getParams().getModDate());
   System.out.println("Size:- " + fileSpecification.getParams().getSize());