PDF Sticky Annotations

Add Watermark Annotation

A watermark annotation shall be used to represent graphics that shall be printed at a fixed size and position on a page, regardless of the dimensions of the printed page.

You can add Watermark Text using WatermarkAnnotation at a specific position of the PDF page. The opacity of Watermark can also be controlled by using opacity property.

Please check the following code snippet to add WatermarkAnnotation.

 package com.aspose.pdf.examples;

import com.aspose.pdf.*;
import java.util.*;

public class ExampleWatermarkAnnotation {

    private static String _dataDir = "/home/admin1/pdf-examples/Samples/";

    public static void AddWaterMarkAnnotation()
        // Load the PDF file
        Document document = new Document(_dataDir + "sample.pdf");
        Page page = document.getPages().get_Item(1);

        //Create Annotation
        WatermarkAnnotation wa = new WatermarkAnnotation(page, new Rectangle(100, 500, 400, 600));

        //Add annotaiton into Annotation collection of Page

        //Create TextState for Font settings
        TextState ts = new TextState();

        ts.setFont(FontRepository.findFont("Times New Roman"));

        //Set opacity level of Annotaiton Text

        //Add Text to Annotation
        wa.setTextAndState(new String[] { "Aspose.PDF", "Watermark", "Demo" }, ts);

        //Save the Document
        document.save(_dataDir + "sample_watermark.pdf");

Get Watermark Annotation

    public static void GetWatermarkAnnotation() {
        // Load the PDF file
        Document document = new Document(_dataDir + "sample_watermark.pdf");

        // Filter annotations using AnnotationSelector
        Page page = document.getPages().get_Item(1);
        AnnotationSelector annotationSelector = new AnnotationSelector(
                new WatermarkAnnotation(page, Rectangle.getTrivial()));
        List<Annotation> WatermarkAnnotations = annotationSelector.getSelected();

        // print results
        for (Annotation fa : WatermarkAnnotations) {

Delete Watermark Annotation

    public static void DeleteWatermarkAnnotation() {
         // Load the PDF file
         Document document = new Document(_dataDir + "sample_watermark.pdf");

         // Filter annotations using AnnotationSelector
         Page page = document.getPages().get_Item(1);
         AnnotationSelector annotationSelector = new AnnotationSelector(
                 new WatermarkAnnotation(page, Rectangle.getTrivial()));
         List<Annotation> WatermarkAnnotations = annotationSelector.getSelected();

         // delete annotations
         for (Annotation fa : WatermarkAnnotations) {
        document.save(_dataDir + "sample_watermark_del.pdf");