Extra Annotations using Python

How to add Caret Annotation into existing PDF file via Python

Caret Annotation is a symbol that indicates text editing. Caret Annotation is also a markup annotation, so the Caret class derives from the Markup class and also provides functions to get or set properties of the Caret Annotation and reset the flow of the Caret Annotation appearance. Caret annotations are often used to suggest changes, additions, or changes to the text.

Steps with which we create Caret annotation:

  1. Load the PDF file - new Document.
  2. Create new CaretAnnotation and set Caret parameters (new Rectangle, title, subject, flags, color). This annotation is used to indicate the insertion of text.
  3. Once we are able to append annotations to the page.

The following code snippet shows how to add Caret Annotation to a PDF file:

    import aspose.pdf as ap

    # Open document
    document = ap.Document(input_file)

    caretAnnotation1 = ap.annotations.CaretAnnotation(
        document.pages[1], ap.Rectangle(200, 700.664, 308.708, 740.769, True)
    caretAnnotation1.title = "Aspose User"
    caretAnnotation1.subject = "Inserted text 1"
    caretAnnotation1.flags = ap.annotations.AnnotationFlags.PRINT
    caretAnnotation1.color = ap.Color.blue


Get Caret Annotation

Please try using the following code snippet to Get Caret Annotation in PDF document

    import aspose.pdf as ap

    document = ap.Document(input_file)
    caretAnnotations = [
        for a in document.pages[1].annotations
        if (a.annotation_type == ap.annotations.AnnotationType.CARET)

    for ca in caretAnnotations:

Delete Caret Annotation

The following code snippet shows how Delete Caret Annotation from a PDF file using Python.

    import aspose.pdf as ap

    # Load the PDF file
    document = ap.Document(input_file)
    caretAnnotations = [
        for a in document.pages[1].annotations
        if (a.annotation_type == ap.annotations.AnnotationType.CARET)

    for ca in caretAnnotations:


Links are annotations that open URLs or move to certain positions within the same or within an external document when you click.

A Link Annotations is a rectangular area that can be placed anywhere on the page. Each link has a corresponding PDF action associated with it. This action is performed when the user clicks in the area of this link.

The following code snippet shows how to add Link Annotation to a PDF file using a phone number example:

    import aspose.pdf as ap

    document = ap.Document(input_file)
    # Create TextFragmentAbsorber object to find a phone number
    textFragmentAbsorber = ap.text.TextFragmentAbsorber("file")

    # Accept the absorber for the 1st page only

    phoneNumberFragment = textFragmentAbsorber.text_fragments[1]

    # Create Link Annotation and set the action to call a phone number
    linkAnnotation = ap.annotations.LinkAnnotation(document.pages[1], phoneNumberFragment.rectangle)
    linkAnnotation.action = ap.annotations.GoToURIAction("www.aspose.com")

    # Add annotation to page

Please try using the following code snippet to Get LinkAnnotation from PDF document.

    import aspose.pdf as ap

    document = ap.Document(input_file)
    linkAnnotations = [
        for a in document.pages[1].annotations
        if (a.annotation_type == ap.annotations.AnnotationType.LINK)

    for la in linkAnnotations:

The following code snippet shows how to Delete Link Annotation from PDF file. For this we need to find and and remove all link annotations on the 1st page. After this we will save document with removed annotation.

    import aspose.pdf as ap

    document = ap.Document(input_file)
    highlightAnnotations = [
        for a in document.pages[1].annotations
        if (a.annotation_type == ap.annotations.AnnotationType.LINK)

    for hs in highlightAnnotations:


Redact certain page region with Redaction Annotation using Aspose.PDF for Python

Aspose.PDF for Python via .NET supports the feature to add as well as manipulate Annotations in an existing PDF file. Redaction Annotations in PDF documents serve the purpose of permanently removing or concealing confidential information from the document. The process of editing the information involves covering or shading specific content, such as text, images, or graphics, in a way that restricts its visibility and accessibility to others. This ensures that the sensitive information remains hidden and protected within the document. In order to fulfill this requirement, a class named RedactionAnnotation is provided, which can be used to redact certain page regions or it can be used to manipulate existing RedactionAnnotations and redact them (i.e. flatten annotation and remove the text under it).

    import aspose.pdf as ap

    document = ap.Document(input_file)
    page = document.pages[1]
    redactionAnnotation = ap.annotations.RedactionAnnotation(page, ap.Rectangle(270, 190, 371, 250, True))
    redactionAnnotation.title = "John Smith"
    redactionAnnotation.fill_color = ap.Color.light_gray
    redactionAnnotation.color = ap.Color.red


Get Redaction Annotation

    import aspose.pdf as ap

    document = ap.Document(input_file)
    redactionAnnotations = [
        for a in document.pages[1].annotations
        if (a.annotation_type == ap.annotations.AnnotationType.REDACTION)

    for pa in redactionAnnotations:

Delete Redaction Annotation

    import aspose.pdf as ap

    document = ap.Document(input_file)
    redactionAnnotations = [
        for a in document.pages[1].annotations
        if (a.annotation_type == ap.annotations.AnnotationType.REDACTION)

    for pa in redactionAnnotations:
