Add Figures Annotations using Python

Add Square and Circle Annotations

In PDF documents, a square annotation refers to a specific type of annotation that is represented by a square shape. Square annotations are used to highlight or draw attention to a specific area or section within the document.

Square and Circle annotations shall display, respectively, a rectangle or an ellipse on the page.

Steps for creating Square or Circle Annotations:

  1. Load the PDF file - new Document.
  2. Create new SquareAnnotation and set parameters (new Rectangle, title, color, interior_color, opacity).
  3. After we need to Add Square Annotation to the page.

The following code snippet shows you how to add Square Annotations in a PDF page.

    import aspose.pdf as ap

    document = ap.Document(input_file)

    squareAnnotation = ap.annotations.SquareAnnotation(document.pages[1], ap.Rectangle(60, 600, 250, 450, True))
    squareAnnotation.title = "John Smith"
    squareAnnotation.color =
    squareAnnotation.interior_color = ap.Color.blue_violet
    squareAnnotation.opacity = 0.25


The following code snippet shows you how to add Circle Annotations in a PDF page.

    import aspose.pdf as ap

    # Open document
    document = ap.Document(input_file)

    circleAnnotation = ap.annotations.CircleAnnotation(
        document.pages[1], ap.Rectangle(270, 160, 483, 383, True)
    circleAnnotation.title = "John Smith"
    circleAnnotation.color =
    circleAnnotation.interior_color = ap.Color.misty_rose
    circleAnnotation.opacity = 0.5
    circleAnnotation.popup = ap.annotations.PopupAnnotation(
        document.pages[1], ap.Rectangle(842, 316, 1021, 459, True)


As an example, we will see the following result of adding Square and Circle annotations to a PDF document:

Circle and Square Annotation demo

Get Circle Annotation

Please try using the following code snippet to Get Circle Annotation from PDF document.

    import aspose.pdf as ap

    document = ap.Document(input_file)
    circleAnnotations = [
        for a in document.pages[1].annotations
        if (a.annotation_type == ap.annotations.AnnotationType.CIRCLE)

    for ca in circleAnnotations:

Get Square Annotation

Please try using the following code snippet to Get Square Annotation from PDF document.

    import aspose.pdf as ap

    document = ap.Document(input_file)
    squareAnnotations = [
        for a in document.pages[1].annotations
        if (a.annotation_type == ap.annotations.AnnotationType.SQUARE)

    for pa in squareAnnotations:

Delete Circle Annotation

The following code snippet shows how to Delete Circle Annotation from PDF file.

    import aspose.pdf as ap

    document = ap.Document(input_file)
    circleAnnotations = [
        for a in document.pages[1].annotations
        if (a.annotation_type == ap.annotations.AnnotationType.CIRCLE)

    for ca in circleAnnotations:

Delete Square Annotation

The following code snippet shows how to Delete Square Annotation from PDF file.

    import aspose.pdf as ap

    document = ap.Document(input_file)
    squareAnnotations = [
        for a in document.pages[1].annotations
        if (a.annotation_type == ap.annotations.AnnotationType.SQUARE)

    for pa in squareAnnotations:

Add Polygon and Polyline Annotations

The Polyline tool allows you to create shapes and outlines with an arbitrary number of sides on the document.

Polygon Annotations represent polygons on a page. They can have any number of vertices connected by straight lines.

Polyline Annotations are also similar to polygons, the only difference is that the first and last vertices are not implicitly connected.

Steps with which we create Polygon annotations:

  1. Load the PDF file - new Document.
  2. Create new Polygon Annotation and set Polygon parameters (new Rectangle, new Points, title, color, interior_color and opacity).
  3. After we can Add annotations to the page.

The following code snippet shows how to add Polygon Annotations to a PDF file:

    import aspose.pdf as ap

    document = ap.Document(input_file)

    polygonAnnotation = ap.annotations.PolygonAnnotation(
        ap.Rectangle(200, 300, 400, 400, True),
            ap.Point(200, 300),
            ap.Point(220, 300),
            ap.Point(250, 330),
            ap.Point(300, 304),
            ap.Point(300, 400),
    polygonAnnotation.title = "John Smith"
    polygonAnnotation.color =
    polygonAnnotation.interior_color = ap.Color.blue_violet
    polygonAnnotation.opacity = 0.25


The following code snippet shows how to add Polyline Annotations to a PDF file:

  1. Load the PDF file - new Document.
  2. Create new Polyline Annotations and set Polygon parameters (new Rectangle, new Points, title, color, interior_color and opacity).
  3. After we can Add annotations to the page.

    import aspose.pdf as ap

    document = ap.Document(input_file)

    polylineAnnotation = ap.annotations.PolylineAnnotation(
        ap.Rectangle(270, 193, 571, 383, True),
            ap.Point(545, 150),
            ap.Point(545, 190),
            ap.Point(667, 190),
            ap.Point(667, 110),
            ap.Point(626, 111),
    polylineAnnotation.title = "John Smith"
    polylineAnnotation.color =
    polylineAnnotation.popup = ap.annotations.PopupAnnotation(
        document.pages[1], ap.Rectangle(842, 196, 1021, 338, True)


Get Polygon and Polyline Annotations

Please try using the following code snippet to Get Polygon Annotations in PDF document.

    import aspose.pdf as ap

    document = ap.Document(input_file)
    polygonAnnotations = [
        for a in document.pages[1].annotations
        if (a.annotation_type == ap.annotations.AnnotationType.POLYGON)

    for pa in polygonAnnotations:

Please try using the following code snippet to Get Polyline Annotations in PDF document.

    import aspose.pdf as ap

    document = ap.Document(input_file)
    polylineAnnotations = [
        for a in document.pages[1].annotations
        if (a.annotation_type == ap.annotations.AnnotationType.POLY_LINE)

    for pa in polylineAnnotations:

Delete Polygon and Polyline Annotations

The following code snippet shows how Delete Polygon Annotations from a PDF file.

    import aspose.pdf as ap

    document = ap.Document(input_file)
    polygonAnnotations = [
        for a in document.pages[1].annotations
        if (a.annotation_type == ap.annotations.AnnotationType.POLYGON)

    for pa in polygonAnnotations:

The following code snippet shows how Delete Polyline Annotations from a PDF file.

    import aspose.pdf as ap

    document = ap.Document(input_file)
    polylineAnnotations = [
        for a in document.pages[1].annotations
        if (a.annotation_type == ap.annotations.AnnotationType.POLY_LINE)

    for pa in polylineAnnotations: