Aspose.PSD for .NET 23.3 - Release Notes
Key | Summary | Category |
PSDNET-146 | Support of Posterize Adjustment Layer | Feature |
PSDNET-1366 | Implement support of VscgResource | Feature |
PSDNET-1437 | Add support of PostResource resource for data of Posterize Adjustment Layer | Feature |
PSDNET-931 | Incorrect export to PNG layer with Curves adjustment and CMYK color mode | Bug |
PSDNET-1403 | Style of Paragraph is missed after the saving of file and updating of file by PS | Bug |
PSDNET-1453 | Broken rendering of glow and shadow effects on text | Bug |
Public API Changes
Added APIs:
- P:Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Psd.Layers.FillSettings.IPatternFillSettings.Angle
- P:Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Psd.Layers.FillSettings.PatternFillSettings.Angle
- T:Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Psd.Layers.LayerResources.StrokeResources.VscgResource
- M:Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Psd.Layers.LayerResources.StrokeResources.VscgResource.#ctor
- P:Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Psd.Layers.LayerResources.StrokeResources.VscgResource.Signature
- P:Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Psd.Layers.LayerResources.StrokeResources.VscgResource.Key
- P:Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Psd.Layers.LayerResources.StrokeResources.VscgResource.Length
- P:Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Psd.Layers.LayerResources.StrokeResources.VscgResource.PsdVersion
- P:Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Psd.Layers.LayerResources.StrokeResources.VscgResource.Items
- P:Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Psd.Layers.LayerResources.StrokeResources.VscgResource.KeyForData
- M:Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Psd.Layers.LayerResources.StrokeResources.VscgResource.Save(Aspose.PSD.StreamContainer,System.Int32)
- F:Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Psd.Layers.LayerResources.StrokeResources.VscgResource.TypeToolKey
Removed APIs:
- None
Usage examples:
PSDNET-146. Support of Posterize Adjustment Layer
string sourceFile = "zendeya_posterize.psd";
string outputFile = "zendeya_posterize_10.psd";
using (var image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFile, new PsdLoadOptions()))
foreach (Layer layer in image.Layers)
if (layer is PosterizeLayer)
((PosterizeLayer)layer).Levels = 10;
PSDNET-931. Incorrect export to PNG layer with Curves adjustment and CMYK color mode
string srcFile = "input_LevelsLayerWithLayerMaskCmyk.psd";
string outputFile = "output_LevelsLayerWithLayerMaskCmykTest.png";
string outputFilePsd = "output.psd";
var psdLoadOptions = new PsdLoadOptions() { LoadEffectsResource = true };
using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(srcFile, psdLoadOptions))
image.Save(outputFilePsd, new PsdOptions()); // the ', new PsdOptions()' provocating a bug.
image.Save(outputFile, new PngOptions() { ColorType = PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha });
PSDNET-1366. Implement support of VscgResource
string sourceFile = "StrokeInternalFill_src.psd";
string outputFile = "StrokeInternalFill_res.psd";
void AreEqual(double expected, double current, double tolerance = 0.1)
if (Math.Abs(expected - current) > tolerance)
throw new Exception(
$"Values is not equal.\nExpected:{expected}\nResult:{current}\nDifference:{expected - current}");
using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFile))
VscgResource vscgResource = (VscgResource)image.Layers[1].Resources[0];
DescriptorStructure rgbColorStructure = (DescriptorStructure)vscgResource.Items[0];
AreEqual(89.8, ((DoubleStructure)rgbColorStructure.Structures[0]).Value);
AreEqual(219.6, ((DoubleStructure)rgbColorStructure.Structures[1]).Value);
AreEqual(34.2, ((DoubleStructure)rgbColorStructure.Structures[2]).Value);
((DoubleStructure)rgbColorStructure.Structures[0]).Value = 255d; // Red
((DoubleStructure)rgbColorStructure.Structures[1]).Value = 0d; // Green
((DoubleStructure)rgbColorStructure.Structures[2]).Value = 0d; // Blue
// checking changes
using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(outputFile))
VscgResource vscgResource = (VscgResource)image.Layers[1].Resources[0];
DescriptorStructure rgbColorStructure = (DescriptorStructure)vscgResource.Items[0];
AreEqual(255, ((DoubleStructure)rgbColorStructure.Structures[0]).Value);
AreEqual(0, ((DoubleStructure)rgbColorStructure.Structures[1]).Value);
AreEqual(0, ((DoubleStructure)rgbColorStructure.Structures[2]).Value);
PSDNET-1403. Style of Paragraph is missed after the saving of file and updating of file by PS
string sourceFile = "PSDTest3.psd";
string outputFile = "output.psd";
string[] newText = new string[]
"Tile \r",
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Qui dicta minus molestiae vel beatae natus"
using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Aspose.PSD.Image.Load(sourceFile))
TextLayer layer2 = image.AddTextLayer("New layer", new Aspose.PSD.Rectangle(117, 150, 350, 100));
var textDataTL = layer2.TextData;
ITextStyle defaultStyleTL = textDataTL.ProducePortion().Style;
ITextParagraph defaultParagraphTL = textDataTL.ProducePortion().Paragraph;
ITextPortion[] newPortionsTL = textDataTL.ProducePortions(newText, defaultStyleTL, defaultParagraphTL);
newPortionsTL[0].Style.FontSize = 14;
newPortionsTL[0].Style.FontName = "TwCenMT-Bold";
newPortionsTL[1].Style.Leading = 20;
newPortionsTL[1].Style.FontSize = 10;
newPortionsTL[1].Style.FontName = "TwCenMT-Bold";
// Removing old text
// Adding new text portions
foreach (var newPortion in newPortionsTL)
using (PsdImage psdImage = (PsdImage)Aspose.PSD.Image.Load(outputFile))
Txt2Resource txt2OutputResource = (Txt2Resource)psdImage.GlobalLayerResources[1];
byte[] bytes = txt2OutputResource.Data;
string txt2Data = "";
for (int i = 18900; i < bytes.Length; i++)
txt2Data += (char)bytes[i];
string key0 = @" >> /6 0 >> >> /1 "; // prefix to length of paragraph 0
string key1 = @" >> /6 1 >> >> /1 "; // prefix to length of paragraph 1
int index0 = txt2Data.IndexOf(key0);
int index1 = txt2Data.IndexOf(key1);
string lenPar0 = txt2Data.Substring(index0 + key0.Length, 1);
string lenPar1 = txt2Data.Substring(index1 + key1.Length, 3);
string expected0 = newText[0].Length.ToString();
string expected1 = (newText[1].Length + 1).ToString();
if (lenPar0 != expected0 || lenPar1 != expected1)
throw new Exception(
$"Length of paragraphs is wrong.\nExpected: {expected0} and {expected1}\nResult: {lenPar0} and {lenPar1}\n");
PSDNET-1437. Add support of PostResource resource for data of Posterize Adjustment Layer
string sourceFile = "zendeya_posterize.psd";
string outputFile = "zendeya_posterize_10.psd";
using (var image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFile, new PsdLoadOptions()))
Layer layer = image.Layers[1];
foreach (LayerResource resource in layer.Resources)
if (resource is PostResource)
((PostResource)resource).Levels = 10;
PSDNET-1453. Broken rendering of glow and shadow effects on text
string outputPsd = "effect_bug.psd";
string outputPng = "effect_bug.png";
using (var psdImage = new PsdImage(500, 500))
// Add text layers
Aspose.PSD.Rectangle textArea1 = new Aspose.PSD.Rectangle(50, 0, 400, 100);
Aspose.PSD.Rectangle textArea2 = new Aspose.PSD.Rectangle(50, 150, 400, 100);
Aspose.PSD.Rectangle textArea3 = new Aspose.PSD.Rectangle(50, 300, 400, 100);
TextLayer textLayer1 = psdImage.AddTextLayer("Text With Effects", textArea1);
TextLayer textLayer2 = psdImage.AddTextLayer("Text With Effects", textArea2);
TextLayer textLayer3 = psdImage.AddTextLayer("Text With Effects", textArea3);
// Modify text layers
textLayer1.TextData.Items[0].Style.FontSize = 150;
textLayer1.TextData.Items[0].Style.FillColor = Aspose.PSD.Color.Goldenrod;
textLayer2.TextData.Items[0].Style.FontSize = 150;
textLayer2.TextData.Items[0].Style.FillColor = Aspose.PSD.Color.Goldenrod;
textLayer3.TextData.Items[0].Style.FontSize = 150;
textLayer3.TextData.Items[0].Style.FillColor = Aspose.PSD.Color.Goldenrod;
// add effects
OuterGlowEffect glow = textLayer1.BlendingOptions.AddOuterGlow(); // break
glow.Spread = 15;
((ColorFillSettings)glow.FillColor).Color = Color.Red;
var shadow = textLayer2.BlendingOptions.AddDropShadow(); // break with long text
shadow.Distance = 25;
shadow.Color = Color.DarkBlue;
var innerShadow = textLayer3.BlendingOptions.AddInnerShadow(); // break with long text
innerShadow.UseGlobalLight = false;
innerShadow.Angle = -179;
innerShadow.Distance = 10;
innerShadow.Size = 8;
innerShadow.Color = Color.HotPink;
// export
psdImage.Save(outputPng, new PngOptions() { ColorType = Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Png.PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha });