Hỗ trợ của VsmsResource

Hỗ trợ của VsmsResource

Bài viết này hiển thị Hỗ trợ của VsmsResource trong một tệp PSD với Aspose.PSD. Đoạn mã sau cho thấy cách Aspose.PSD hỗ trợ VsmsResource.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-psd/Aspose.PSD-for-.NET
// The path to the documents directory.
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_PSD();
string sourceFileName = dataDir + "EmptyRectangle.psd";
string exportPath = dataDir + "EmptyRectangle_changed.psd";
var im = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFileName);
using (im)
var resource = GetVsmsResource(im);
// Reading
if (resource.IsDisabled != false ||
resource.IsInverted != false ||
resource.IsNotLinked != false ||
resource.Paths.Length != 7 ||
resource.Paths[0].Type != VectorPathType.PathFillRuleRecord ||
resource.Paths[1].Type != VectorPathType.InitialFillRuleRecord ||
resource.Paths[2].Type != VectorPathType.ClosedSubpathLengthRecord ||
resource.Paths[3].Type != VectorPathType.ClosedSubpathBezierKnotUnlinked ||
resource.Paths[4].Type != VectorPathType.ClosedSubpathBezierKnotUnlinked ||
resource.Paths[5].Type != VectorPathType.ClosedSubpathBezierKnotUnlinked ||
resource.Paths[6].Type != VectorPathType.ClosedSubpathBezierKnotUnlinked)
throw new Exception("VsmsResource was read wrong");
var pathFillRule = (PathFillRuleRecord)resource.Paths[0];
var initialFillRule = (InitialFillRuleRecord)resource.Paths[1];
var subpathLength = (LengthRecord)resource.Paths[2];
// Path fill rule doesn't contain any additional information
if (pathFillRule.Type != VectorPathType.PathFillRuleRecord ||
initialFillRule.Type != VectorPathType.InitialFillRuleRecord ||
initialFillRule.IsFillStartsWithAllPixels != false ||
subpathLength.Type != VectorPathType.ClosedSubpathLengthRecord ||
subpathLength.IsClosed != true ||
subpathLength.IsOpen != false)
throw new Exception("VsmsResource paths were read wrong");
// Editing
resource.IsDisabled = true;
resource.IsInverted = true;
resource.IsNotLinked = true;
var bezierKnot = (BezierKnotRecord)resource.Paths[3];
bezierKnot.Points[0] = new Point(0, 0);
bezierKnot = (BezierKnotRecord)resource.Paths[4];
bezierKnot.Points[0] = new Point(8039798, 10905191);
initialFillRule.IsFillStartsWithAllPixels = true;
subpathLength.IsClosed = false;
static VsmsResource GetVsmsResource(PsdImage image)
var layer = image.Layers[1];
VsmsResource resource = null;
var resources = layer.Resources;
for (int i = 0; i < resources.Length; i++)
if (resources[i] is VsmsResource)
resource = (VsmsResource)resources[i];
if (resource == null)
throw new Exception("VsmsResource not found");
return resource;