Manage TextBox

Texts on slides typically exist in text boxes or shapes. Therefore, to add a text to a slide, you have to add a text box and then put some text inside the textbox. Aspose.Slides for C++ provides the IAutoShape interface that allows you to add a shape containing some text.

Create Text Box on Slide

To create a textbox on a slide, go through these steps:

  1. Create an instance of the Presentation class.
  2. Obtain a reference for the first slide in the newly created presentation.
  3. Add an IAutoShape object with ShapeType set as Rectangle at a specified position on the slide and obtain the reference for the newly added IAutoShape object.
  4. Add a TextFrame property to the IAutoShape object that will contain a text. In the example below, we added this text: Aspose TextBox
  5. Finally, write the PPTX file through the Presentation object.

This C++ code—an implementation of the steps above—shows you how to add text to a slide:

// Instantiates Presentation
auto pres = System::MakeObject<Presentation>();

// Gets the first slide in the presentation
auto sld = pres->get_Slides()->idx_get(0);

// Adds an AutoShape with type set as Rectangle
auto ashp = sld->get_Shapes()->AddAutoShape(ShapeType::Rectangle, 150.0f, 75.0f, 150.0f, 50.0f);

// Adds TextFrame to the Rectangle
ashp->AddTextFrame(u" ");

// Accesses the text frame
auto txtFrame = ashp->get_TextFrame();

// Creates the Paragraph object for text frame
auto para = txtFrame->get_Paragraphs()->idx_get(0);

// Creates a Portion object for paragraph
auto portion = para->get_Portions()->idx_get(0);

// Sets Text
portion->set_Text(u"Aspose TextBox");

// Saves the presentation to disk
pres->Save(u"TextBox_out.pptx", SaveFormat::Pptx);

Check for Text Box Shape

Aspose.Slides provides the get_IsTextBox method from the IAutoShape interface, allowing you to examine shapes and identify text boxes.

Text box and shape

This C++ code shows you how to check whether a shape was created as a text box:

auto presentation = MakeObject<Presentation>(u"sample.pptx");
for (auto&& slide : presentation->get_Slides())
    for (auto&& shape : slide->get_Shapes())
        if (ObjectExt::Is<IAutoShape>(shape))
            auto autoShape = ExplicitCast<IAutoShape>(shape);
            Console::WriteLine(autoShape->get_IsTextBox() ? u"shape is a text box" : u"shape is not a text box");


Note that if you simply add an autoshape using the AddAutoShape method from the IShapeCollection interface, the get_IsTextBox method of the autoshape will return false. However, after you add text to the autoshape using the AddTextFrame method or the set_Text method, the get_IsTextBox method returns true.

auto presentation = MakeObject<Presentation>();
auto slide = presentation->get_Slide(0);

auto shape1 = slide->get_Shapes()->AddAutoShape(ShapeType::Rectangle, 10, 10, 100, 40);
// shape1->get_IsTextBox() returns false
shape1->AddTextFrame(u"shape 1");
// shape1->get_IsTextBox() returns true

auto shape2 = slide->get_Shapes()->AddAutoShape(ShapeType::Rectangle, 10, 110, 100, 40);
// shape2->get_IsTextBox() returns false
shape2->get_TextFrame()->set_Text(u"shape 2");
// shape2->get_IsTextBox() returns true

auto shape3 = slide->get_Shapes()->AddAutoShape(ShapeType::Rectangle, 10, 210, 100, 40);
// shape3->get_IsTextBox() returns false
// shape3->get_IsTextBox() returns false

auto shape4 = slide->get_Shapes()->AddAutoShape(ShapeType::Rectangle, 10, 310, 100, 40);
// shape4->get_IsTextBox() returns false
// shape4->get_IsTextBox() returns false

Add Column In Text Box

Aspose.Slides provides the set_ColumnCount and set_ColumnSpacing methods (from the ITextFrameFormat interface and TextFrameFormat class) that allow you to add columns to textboxes. You get to specify the number of columns in a text box and set the amount spacing in points between columns.

This code in C++ demonstrates the described operation:

auto presentation = System::MakeObject<Presentation>();
// Gets the first slide in the presentation
auto slide = presentation->get_Slides()->idx_get(0);

// Add an AutoShape with type set as Rectangle
auto aShape = slide->get_Shapes()->AddAutoShape(ShapeType::Rectangle, 100.0f, 100.0f, 300.0f, 300.0f);

// Add TextFrame to the Rectangle
aShape->AddTextFrame(String(u"All these columns are limited to be within a single text container -- ") 
    + u"you can add or delete text and the new or remaining text automatically adjusts " 
    + u"itself to flow within the container. You cannot have text flow from one container " 
    + u"to other though -- we told you PowerPoint's column options for text are limited!");

// Gets the text format of TextFrame
auto format = aShape->get_TextFrame()->get_TextFrameFormat();

// Specifies the number of columns in TextFrame

// Specifies the spacing between columns

// Saves the presentation
presentation->Save(u"ColumnCount.pptx", SaveFormat::Pptx);

Add Column In Text Frame

Aspose.Slides for C++ provides the set_ColumnCount method (from the ITextFrameFormat interface) that allows you to add columns in text frames. Through this method, you can specify your preferred number of columns in a text frame.

This C++ code shows you how to add a column inside a text frame:

String outPptxFileName = u"ColumnsTest.pptx";
auto pres = System::MakeObject<Presentation>();
auto shape = pres->get_Slides()->idx_get(0)->get_Shapes()->AddAutoShape(ShapeType::Rectangle, 100.0f, 100.0f, 300.0f, 300.0f);
auto format = System::ExplicitCast<TextFrameFormat>(shape->get_TextFrame()->get_TextFrameFormat());

shape->get_TextFrame()->set_Text(String(u"All these columns are forced to stay within a single text container -- ") 
    + u"you can add or delete text - and the new or remaining text automatically adjusts " 
    + u"itself to stay within the container. You cannot have text spill over from one container " 
    + u"to other, though -- because PowerPoint's column options for text are limited!");
pres->Save(outPptxFileName, SaveFormat::Pptx);

    auto test = System::MakeObject<Presentation>(outPptxFileName);
    auto format1 = System::ExplicitCast<AutoShape>(test->get_Slides()->idx_get(0)->get_Shapes()->idx_get(0))->get_TextFrame()->get_TextFrameFormat();
    CODEPORTING_DEBUG_ASSERT1(2 == format1->get_ColumnCount());
    CODEPORTING_DEBUG_ASSERT1(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN() == format1->get_ColumnSpacing());

pres->Save(outPptxFileName, SaveFormat::Pptx);

    auto test = System::MakeObject<Presentation>(outPptxFileName);
    auto format2 = System::ExplicitCast<AutoShape>(test->get_Slides()->idx_get(0)->get_Shapes()->idx_get(0))->get_TextFrame()->get_TextFrameFormat();
    CODEPORTING_DEBUG_ASSERT1(2 == format2->get_ColumnCount());
    CODEPORTING_DEBUG_ASSERT1(20 == format2->get_ColumnSpacing());

pres->Save(outPptxFileName, SaveFormat::Pptx);

    auto test = System::MakeObject<Presentation>(outPptxFileName);
    auto format3 = System::ExplicitCast<AutoShape>(test->get_Slides()->idx_get(0)->get_Shapes()->idx_get(0))->get_TextFrame()->get_TextFrameFormat();
    CODEPORTING_DEBUG_ASSERT1(3 == format3->get_ColumnCount());
    CODEPORTING_DEBUG_ASSERT1(15 == format3->get_ColumnSpacing());

Update Text

Aspose.Slides allows you to change or update the text contained in a text box or all the texts contained in a presentation.

This C++ code demonstrates an operation where all the texts in a presentation are updated or changed:

auto pres = System::MakeObject<Presentation>(u"text.pptx");
for (const auto& slide : pres->get_Slides())
    for (const auto& shape : slide->get_Shapes())
        if (ObjectExt::Is<IAutoShape>(shape))
            auto autoShape = System::AsCast<IAutoShape>(shape);
            for (const auto& paragraph : autoShape->get_TextFrame()->get_Paragraphs())
                for (const auto& portion : paragraph->get_Portions())
                    //Changes text
                    portion->set_Text(portion->get_Text().Replace(u"years", u"months"));
                    //Changes formatting

//Saves modified presentation
pres->Save(u"text-changed.pptx", SaveFormat::Pptx);

You can insert a link inside a text box. When the text box is clicked, users are directed to open the link.

To add a text box containing a link, go through these steps:

  1. Create an instance of the Presentation class.
  2. Obtain a reference for the first slide in the newly created presentation.
  3. Add an AutoShape object with ShapeType set as Rectangle at a specified position on the slide and obtain a reference of the newly added AutoShape object.
  4. Add a TextFrame to the AutoShape object that contains Aspose TextBox as its default text.
  5. Instantiate the IHyperlinkManager class.
  6. Assign the IHyperlinkManager object to the set_HyperlinkClick method associated with your preferred portion of the TextFrame.
  7. Finally, write the PPTX file through the Presentation object.

This C++ code—an implementation of the steps above—shows you how to add a text box with a hyperlink to a slide:

// Instantiates a Presentation class that represents a PPTX
auto presentation = System::MakeObject<Presentation>();

// Gets the first slide in the presentation
auto slide = presentation->get_Slides()->idx_get(0);

// Adds an AutoShape object with type set as Rectangle
auto shape = slide->get_Shapes()->AddAutoShape(ShapeType::Rectangle, 150.0f, 150.0f, 150.0f, 50.0f);

// Casts the shape to AutoShape
auto autoShape = System::ExplicitCast<IAutoShape>(shape);

// Accesses the ITextFrame property associated with the AutoShape

auto textFrame = autoShape->get_TextFrame();

// Adds some text to the frame

// Sets the Hyperlink for the portion text
auto linkManager = textFrame->get_Paragraphs()->idx_get(0)->get_Portions()->idx_get(0)->get_PortionFormat()->get_HyperlinkManager();

// Saves the PPTX Presentation
presentation->Save(u"hLinkPPTX_out.pptx", SaveFormat::Pptx);