Presentation Locking

Presentation Locking

A common use for Aspose.Slides is to create, update and save Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 (PPTX) presentations as part of an automated workflow. Users of the application that uses Aspose.Slides this way get access to the output presentations. Protecting them from editing is a common concern. It is important that auto-generated presentations retain their original formatting and content.

This explains how presentations and slides are constructed and how Aspose.Slides for .NET can apply protection to, and then remove it from a presentation. This feature is unique to Aspose.Slides and, at the time of writing, is not available in Microsoft PowerPoint. It gives developers a way of controlling how the presentations their applications create are used.

Composition of a Slide

A PPTX slide is composed of a number of components like auto shapes, tables, OLE objects, grouped shapes, picture frames, video frames, connectors and the various other elements available to build up a presentation.

In Aspose.Slides for .NET, each element on a slide is turned into a Shape object. In other words, each element on the slide is either a Shape object or an object derived from the Shape object.

The structure of PPTX is complex so unlike PPT, where a generic lock can be used for all type of shapes, there are different types of locks for different shape type. The BaseShapeLock class is the generic PPTX locking class. The following types of locks are supported in Aspose.Slides for .NET for PPTX.

  • AutoShapeLock locks auto shapes.
  • ConnectorLock locks connecter shapes.
  • GraphicalObjectLock locks graphical objects.
  • GroupshapeLock locks group shapes.
  • PictureFrameLock locks picture frames.

Any action performed on all Shape objects in a Presentation object is applied to the whole presentation.

Applying and Removing Protection

Applying protection ensures that a presentation cannot be edited. It is a useful technique for protecting a presentation’s content.

Applying Protection to PPTX Shapes

Aspose.Slides for .NET provides the Shape class to handle a shape on the slide.

As mentioned earlier, each shape class has an associated shape lock class for protection. This article focuses on the NoSelect, NoMove and NoResize locks. These locks ensure that shapes cannot be selected (through mouse clicks or other selection methods), and it cannot be moved or resized.

The code samples that follow apply protection to all shapes types in a presentation.

 //Instatiate Presentation class that represents a PPTX file

PresentationEx pTemplate = new PresentationEx("Applying Protection.pptx");//Instatiate Presentation class that represents a PPTX file

//ISlide object for accessing the slides in the presentation

SlideEx slide = pTemplate.Slides[0];

//IShape object for holding temporary shapes

ShapeEx shape;

//Traversing through all the slides in the presentation

for (int slideCount = 0; slideCount < pTemplate.Slides.Count; slideCount++)


	slide = pTemplate.Slides[slideCount];

	//Travesing through all the shapes in the slides

	for (int count = 0; count < slide.Shapes.Count; count++)


		shape = slide.Shapes[count];

		//if shape is autoshape

		if (shape is AutoShapeEx)


			//Type casting to Auto shape and  getting auto shape lock

			AutoShapeEx Ashp = shape as AutoShapeEx;

			AutoShapeLockEx AutoShapeLock = Ashp.ShapeLock;

			//Applying shapes locks

			AutoShapeLock.PositionLocked = true;

			AutoShapeLock.SelectLocked = true;

			AutoShapeLock.SizeLocked = true;


		//if shape is group shape

		else if (shape is GroupShapeEx)


			//Type casting to group shape and  getting group shape lock

			GroupShapeEx Group = shape as GroupShapeEx;

			GroupShapeLockEx groupShapeLock = Group.ShapeLock;

			//Applying shapes locks

			groupShapeLock.GroupingLocked = true;

			groupShapeLock.PositionLocked = true;

			groupShapeLock.SelectLocked = true;

			groupShapeLock.SizeLocked = true;


		//if shape is a connector

		else if (shape is ConnectorEx)


			//Type casting to connector shape and  getting connector shape lock

			ConnectorEx Conn = shape as ConnectorEx;

			ConnectorLockEx ConnLock = Conn.ShapeLock;

			//Applying shapes locks

			ConnLock.PositionMove = true;

			ConnLock.SelectLocked = true;

			ConnLock.SizeLocked = true;


		//if shape is picture frame

		else if (shape is PictureFrameEx)


			//Type casting to picture frame shape and  getting picture frame shape lock

			PictureFrameEx Pic = shape as PictureFrameEx;

			PictureFrameLockEx PicLock = Pic.ShapeLock;

			//Applying shapes locks

			PicLock.PositionLocked = true;

			PicLock.SelectLocked = true;

			PicLock.SizeLocked = true;




//Saving the presentation file

pTemplate.Save("ProtectedSample.pptx", Aspose.Slides.Export.SaveFormat.Pptx);

Removing Protection

Protection applied using Aspose.Slides for .NET can only be removed with Aspose.Slides for .NET. To unlock a shape, set the value of the applied lock to false. The code sample that follows shows how to unlock shapes in a locked presentation.

 //Open the desired presentation

PresentationEx pTemplate = new PresentationEx("ProtectedSample.pptx");

//ISlide object for accessing the slides in the presentation

SlideEx slide = pTemplate.Slides[0];

//IShape object for holding temporary shapes

ShapeEx shape;

//Traversing through all the slides in presentation

for (int slideCount = 0; slideCount < pTemplate.Slides.Count; slideCount++)


	slide = pTemplate.Slides[slideCount];

	//Travesing through all the shapes in the slides

	for (int count = 0; count < slide.Shapes.Count; count++)


		shape = slide.Shapes[count];

		//if shape is autoshape

		if (shape is AutoShapeEx)


			//Type casting to Auto shape and  getting auto shape lock

			AutoShapeEx Ashp = shape as AutoShapeEx;

			AutoShapeLockEx AutoShapeLock = Ashp.ShapeLock;

			//Applying shapes locks

			AutoShapeLock.PositionLocked = false;

			AutoShapeLock.SelectLocked = false;

			AutoShapeLock.SizeLocked = false;


		//if shape is group shape

		else if (shape is GroupShapeEx)


			//Type casting to group shape and  getting group shape lock

			GroupShapeEx Group = shape as GroupShapeEx;

			GroupShapeLockEx groupShapeLock = Group.ShapeLock;

			//Applying shapes locks

			groupShapeLock.GroupingLocked = false;

			groupShapeLock.PositionLocked = false;

			groupShapeLock.SelectLocked = false;

			groupShapeLock.SizeLocked = false;


		//if shape is Connector shape

		else if (shape is ConnectorEx)


			//Type casting to connector shape and  getting connector shape lock

			ConnectorEx Conn = shape as ConnectorEx;

			ConnectorLockEx ConnLock = Conn.ShapeLock;

			//Applying shapes locks

			ConnLock.PositionMove = false;

			ConnLock.SelectLocked = false;

			ConnLock.SizeLocked = false;


		//if shape is picture frame

		else if (shape is PictureFrameEx)


			//Type casting to pitcture frame shape and  getting picture frame shape lock

			PictureFrameEx Pic = shape as PictureFrameEx;

			PictureFrameLockEx PicLock = Pic.ShapeLock;

			//Applying shapes locks

			PicLock.PositionLocked = false;

			PicLock.SelectLocked = false;

			PicLock.SizeLocked = false;




//Saving the presentation file

pTemplate.Save("RemoveProtectionSample.pptx", Aspose.Slides.Export.SaveFormat.Pptx);

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