Convert PowerPoint to TIFF with Notes

Convert PPT(X) in Notes Slide View to TIFF

The Save method exposed by Presentation class can be used to convert the whole presentation in Notes Slide view to TIFF. The code snippets below update the sample presentation to TIFF images in Notes Slide view, as shown below:

//Instantiate a Presentation object that represents a presentation file
  $pres = new Presentation("demo.pptx");
  try {
    $opts = new TiffOptions();
    # Saving the presentation to TIFF notes
    $pres->save("Tiff-Notes.tiff", SaveFormat::Tiff, $opts);
  } finally {
    if (!java_is_null($pres)) {

The above code snippets update the sample presentation to TIFF images in Notes Slide view, as shown below:

The source presentation view with slide notes ** 
The generated TIFF image in Notes Slide view ** 