设置 OLE 图标的标题
一个新的属性 SubstitutePictureTitle 已经添加到 IOleObjectFrame 接口和 OleObjectFrame 类中。它允许获取、设置或更改 OLE 图标的标题。下面的代码片段展示了创建 Excel 对象并设置其标题的示例。
import aspose.slides as slides
with slides.Presentation() as presentation:
slide = presentation.slides[0]
# 向幻灯片添加 OLE 对象
with open("oleSourceFile.xlsx", "rb") as ole_stream:
data_info = slides.dom.ole.OleEmbeddedDataInfo(ole_stream.read(), "xlsx")
ole_frame = slide.shapes.add_ole_object_frame(20, 20, 50, 50, data_info)
# 将图像添加到演示文稿的图像集合中
with slides.Images.from_file("oleIconFile.ico") as image:
pp_image = presentation.images.add_image(image)
# 将图像设置为 OLE 对象的图标
ole_frame.is_object_icon = True
ole_frame.substitute_picture_format.picture.image = pp_image
# 设置 OLE 图标的标题
ole_frame.substitute_picture_title = "标题示例"