Saving Updated Resource Assignment to MPP
]Aspose.Tasks for C++ API supports updating resource assignment data and writing it back to an MPP file.
Updating Resource Assignments
To read, assign and save the updated file:
- Read an MPP file. The one used in this example contains one task and one resource without any assignments.
- Assign the resource to the task.
- Add the assigned resource to the project.
- Finally, save the project to the MPP file.
The following code example demonstrates how to perform these tasks.
1// Create project instance and access first task and resource
2System::SharedPtr<Project> project1 = System::MakeObject<Project>(dataDir + u"UpdateResourceAssignment.mpp");
3System::SharedPtr<Task> task = project1->get_RootTask()->get_Children()->GetById(1);
4System::SharedPtr<Resource> rsc = project1->get_Resources()->GetById(1);
6// Create resource assignment
7System::SharedPtr<ResourceAssignment> assn = project1->get_ResourceAssignments()->Add(task, rsc);
8assn->Set<System::String>(Asn::Notes(), u"Newly added assignment");
10// Save project as MPP
11project1->Save(dataDir + u"UpdateResourceAssignment_out.mpp", Aspose::Tasks::Saving::SaveFileFormat::MPP);