Reading VBA Information from MPP file

Aspose.Tasks for .NET API provides support for reading VBA information from the MPP file. This includes working with:

The VbaProject class is the main class for reading the VBA information from the project file. This further has Modules and References collection for reading further details of the VBA project file. This article demonstrates the usage of all these with the help of code samples.

Reading VBA Project Information

The following example shows how to read VBA Project Information with the help of VbaProject and Project class.

1Project project = new Project("New Project.mpp");
2VbaProject vbaProject = project.VbaProject;
3Console.WriteLine("VbaProject.Name " + vbaProject.Name);
4Console.WriteLine("VbaProject.Description " + vbaProject.Description);
5Console.WriteLine("VbaProject.CompilationArguments " + vbaProject.CompilationArguments);
6Console.WriteLine("VbaProject.HelpContextId " + vbaProject.HelpContextId);

Reading References Information from VBA

The following example shows how to read VBA References Information from VBA with the help of VbaProject, Project and VbaReference class

 1Project project = new Project("New Project.mpp");
 3VbaProject vbaProject = project.VbaProject;
 4VbaReferenceCollection references = vbaProject.References;
 5Console.WriteLine("Reference count ", references.Count);
 7VbaReference reference = vbaProject.References.ToList()[0];
 8Console.WriteLine("Identifier: " + reference.LibIdentifier);
 9Console.WriteLine("Name: " + reference.Name);
11reference = vbaProject.References.ToList()[1];
12Console.WriteLine("Identifier: " + reference.LibIdentifier);
13Console.WriteLine("Name: " + reference.Name);
15reference = vbaProject.References.ToList()[2];
16Console.WriteLine("Identifier: " + reference.LibIdentifier);
17Console.WriteLine("Name: " + reference.Name);

Reading Modules Information from VBA

The following example shows how to read modules information from VBA with the help of VbaProject, Project and IVbaModule class

1Project project = new Project("New Project.mpp");
3VbaProject vbaProject = project.VbaProject;
4Console.WriteLine("Total Modules Count: " + vbaProject.Modules.Count);
6IVbaModule vbaModule = vbaProject.Modules.ToList()[0];
7Console.WriteLine("Module Name: " + vbaModule.Name);
8Console.WriteLine("Source Code: " + vbaModule.SourceCode);

Reading Module Attributes Information from VBA

The following example shows how to read modules attributes from VBA with the help of VbaProject, Project and IVbaModule class

1Project project = new Project("New Project.mpp");
2VbaProject vbaProject = project.VbaProject;
3IVbaModule vbaModule = vbaProject.Modules.ToList()[0];
5Console.WriteLine("Attributes Count: " + vbaModule.Attributes.Count);
6Console.WriteLine("VB_Name: " + vbaModule.Attributes.ToList()[0].Key);
7Console.WriteLine("Module1: " + vbaModule.Attributes.ToList()[0].Value);
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