Werk Met Kaarte deur Shape.Chart Voorwerp

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Sodra die grafiek ingevoeg en gevul is met data, kan u die voorkoms daarvan verander. Shape.Chart eiendom bevat alle grafiek verwante opsies beskikbaar deur die publiek API.

Byvoorbeeld, kom ons verander die Grafiek titel of legende gedrag:

For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-words/Aspose.Words-for-C
// The path to the documents directory.
System::String outputDataDir = GetOutputDataDir_WorkingWithCharts();
System::SharedPtr<Document> doc = System::MakeObject<Document>();
System::SharedPtr<DocumentBuilder> builder = System::MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc);
System::SharedPtr<Shape> shape = builder->InsertChart(ChartType::Line, 432, 252);
System::SharedPtr<Chart> chart = shape->get_Chart();
// Determines whether the title shall be shown for this chart. Default is true.
// Setting chart Title.
chart->get_Title()->set_Text(u"Sample Line Chart Title");
// Determines whether other chart elements shall be allowed to overlap title.
// Please note if null or empty value is specified as title text, auto generated title will be shown.
// Determines how legend shall be shown for this chart.
System::String outputPath = outputDataDir + u"CreateChartUsingShape.docx";

Die kode genereer die volgende resultate:
