Document Builder Overview

DocumentBuilder is a powerful class that associates with Document and enables you to build dynamic documents from scratch or add new elements to an existing one.

DocumentBuilder provides methods to insert text, checkboxes, ole objects, paragraphs, lists, tables, images, and other content elements. It allows you to specify fonts, paragraph or section formatting, and perform other operations.

Document Builder or Aspose.Words DOM

DocumentBuilder complements classes and methods available in the Aspose.Words Document Object Model (DOM) to simplify the most common document building tasks. That is, you can create and modify the content of documents both through the Aspose.Words DOM, which requires a good understanding of the tree structure, and using the DocumentBuilder. The DocumentBuilder is a “facade” for the complex Document structure that allows you to quickly and easily insert content and formatting.

Operations that are possible with DocumentBuilder are also possible when using the classes of the Aspose.Words DOM directly. However, using Aspose.Words DOM classes directly usually requires more lines of code than using DocumentBuilder.

Document Navigation

Document navigation is based on the concept of a virtual cursor, with which you can move to another location in the document using various DocumentBuilder.move_to_XXX methods such as move_to_document_start and move_to_field. This virtual cursor indicates where the text will be inserted when calling the methods write, writeln, insert_break, and others. See the following article “Navigation with Cursor” to learn more about the virtual cursor.

The following code example shows how to navigate to a bookmark:

# For complete examples and data files, please go to
doc = aw.Document(docs_base.my_dir + "Bookmarks.docx")
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)
builder.move_to_bookmark("MyBookmark1", False, True)
builder.writeln("This is a bookmark.")

Document Building and Modifying

Aspose.Words API provides several classes that are responsible for formatting various elements of a document. Each of the classes encapsulates formatting properties related to a specific document element, such as text, paragraph, section, and others. For example, the Font class represents character formatting properties, the ParagraphFormat class represents paragraph formatting properties, and so on. Objects of these classes are returned by the corresponding DocumentBuilder properties, which have the same names as the classes. Therefore, you can access them and set the desired formatting during the document build.

You can also insert text, checkbox, ole object, images, bookmarks, form fields, and other document elements at the cursor position using the Write method or any of the DocumentBuilder.insert_XXX methods, such as insert_field, insert_html, and similar methods.

Let’s see how to create a simple document using the DocumentBuilder.

Create a Document using DocumentBuilder

To start, you need to create a DocumentBuilder and associate it with a Document object. You create a new instance of DocumentBuilder by calling its constructor and pass it to a Document object for attachment to the builder.

To insert a text, pass the string of text you need to insert into the document to the write method.

The following code example shows how to create a simple document using a document builder.

# For complete examples and data files, please go to
doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)
# Move the cursor position to the beginning of your document.
print("\nThis is the beginning of the document.")
# Move the cursor position to the end of your document.
print("\nThis is the end of the document.")

Specify Document Formatting

The font property defines text formatting. This object contains different font attributes (font name, font size, color, and so on). Some important font attributes are also represented by DocumentBuilder properties to allow you to access them directly. These are the Font.bold, Font.italic, and Font.underline boolean properties.

The following code example shows how to insert a formatted text using DocumentBuilder:

# For complete examples and data files, please go to
doc = aw.Document()
builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)
font = builder.font
font.size = 16
font.bold = True
font.color = = "Arial"
font.underline = aw.Underline.DASH
paragraphFormat = builder.paragraph_format
paragraphFormat.first_line_indent = 8
paragraphFormat.alignment = aw.ParagraphAlignment.JUSTIFY
paragraphFormat.keep_together = True
builder.writeln("A whole paragraph.") + "AddContentUsingDocumentBuilder.insert_paragraph.docx")