Linear Extrusion ile king orking

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Performing Linear truxtrusion

Aspose.3D for .NET, bir giriş olarak 2d şekli alan ve 3. boyuttaki şekli genişleten LinearExtrusion sınıfı sunar. Aşağıdaki kod parçacığı, lineer extrusion yonun nasıl gerçekleştirileceğini gösterir:

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Initialize the base profile to be extruded
var profile = new RectangleShape()
RoundingRadius = 0.3
// Perform Linear extrusion by passing a 2D profile as input and extend the shape in the 3rd dimension
var extrusion = new LinearExtrusion(profile, 10) { Slices = 100, Center = true, Twist = 360, TwistOffset = new Vector3(10, 0, 0) };
// Create a scene
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Create a child node by passing extrusion
// Save 3D scene

Linear truxtrusion ‘Slices’

Aspose.3D for .NET offers Slices property of LinearExtrusion class. Slices property defines the number of intermediate points along the path of the extrusion. Following code snippet shows how to use Slices property in linear extrusion:

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Initialize the base profile to be extruded
var profile = new RectangleShape()
RoundingRadius = 0.3
// Create a scene
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Create left node
var left = scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode();
// Create right node
var right = scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode();
left.Transform.Translation = new Vector3(15, 0, 0);
// Slices parameter defines the number of intermediate points along the path of the extrusion
// Perform linear extrusion on left node using slices property
left.CreateChildNode(new LinearExtrusion(profile, 2) { Slices = 2 });
// Perform linear extrusion on right node using slices property
right.CreateChildNode(new LinearExtrusion(profile, 2) { Slices = 10 });
// Save 3D scene

Linear truxtrusion ‘Center’

Aspose.3D for .NET offers Center property of LinearExtrusion class. If the Center property is set to true, the extrusion range is from -Height/2 to Height/2, otherwise, the extrusion is from 0 to Height. Following code snippet shows how to use Center property in linear extrusion:

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Initialize the base profile to be extruded
var profile = new RectangleShape()
RoundingRadius = 0.3
// Create a scene
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Create left node
var left = scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode();
// Create right node
var right = scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode();
left.Transform.Translation = new Vector3(15, 0, 0);
// Slices parameter defines the number of intermediate points along the path of the extrusion
// Perform linear extrusion on left node using slices property
left.CreateChildNode(new LinearExtrusion(profile, 2) { Slices = 2 });
// Perform linear extrusion on right node using slices property
right.CreateChildNode(new LinearExtrusion(profile, 2) { Slices = 10 });
// Save 3D scene

Linear truxtrusion ‘Twist’

Aspose.3D for .NET offers Twist property of LinearExtrusion class. Twist property handles the degree of the rotation while extruding the shape. Following code snippet shows how to use Twist property in linear extrusion:

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Initialize the base profile to be extruded
var profile = new RectangleShape()
RoundingRadius = 0.3
// Create a scene
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Create left node
var left = scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode();
// Create rifht node
var right = scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode();
left.Transform.Translation = new Vector3(15, 0, 0);
// Twist property defines the degree of the rotation while extruding the profile
// Perform linear extrusion on left node using twist and slices property
left.CreateChildNode(new LinearExtrusion(profile, 10) { Twist = 0, Slices = 100 });
// Perform linear extrusion on right node using twist and slices property
right.CreateChildNode(new LinearExtrusion(profile, 10) { Twist = 90, Slices = 100 });
// Save 3D scene

Linear truxtrusion ‘Twistwiffset’

Aspose.3D for .NET offers TwistOffset property of LinearExtrusion class. Twist Offset property translates offset while rotating the extrusion. Following code snippet shows how to use TwistOffset property in linear extrusion:

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Initialize the base profile to be extruded
var profile = new RectangleShape()
RoundingRadius = 0.3
// Create a scene
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Create left node
var left = scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode();
// Create right node
var right = scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode();
left.Transform.Translation = new Vector3(18, 0, 0);
// TwistOffset property is the translate offset while rotating the extrusion.
// Perform linear extrusion on left node using twist and slices property
left.CreateChildNode(new LinearExtrusion(profile, 10) { Twist = 360, Slices = 100 });
// Perform linear extrusion on right node using twist, twist offset and slices property
right.CreateChildNode(new LinearExtrusion(profile, 10) { Twist = 360, Slices = 100, TwistOffset = new Vector3(3, 0, 0) });
// Save 3D scene
scene.Save(RunExamples.GetOutputFilePath("TwistOffsetInLinearExtrusion.obj"), FileFormat.WavefrontOBJ);

Linear truxtrusion ‘ireirection’

Aspose.3D for .NET offers Direction property of LinearExtrusion class. Direction property defines the direction of the extrusion. Following code snippet shows how to use Direction property in linear extrusion:

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Initialize the base profile to be extruded
var profile = new RectangleShape()
RoundingRadius = 0.3
// Create a scene
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Create left node
var left = scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode();
// Create right node
var right = scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode();
left.Transform.Translation = new Vector3(8, 0, 0);
// Direction property defines the direction of the extrusion.
// Perform linear extrusion on left node using twist and slices property
left.CreateChildNode(new LinearExtrusion(profile, 10) { Twist = 360, Slices = 100 });
// Perform linear extrusion on right node using twist, slices, and direction property
right.CreateChildNode(new LinearExtrusion(profile, 10) { Twist = 360, Slices = 100, Direction = new Vector3(0.3, 0.2, 1) });
// Save 3D scene