Cylinder ile king orking

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Oustomize ffffset Top

Aspose.3D for .NET allows customizing Offset Top of a cylinder. In order to use this functionality, you can use Offset property of Cylinder class. The following code snippet shows how to customize Offset Top:

! Todo: image_alt_text

To sol bir Offsetop op set (5, 3, 0), üst kapak taşındı ve tüm gövde de etkilenir görmek kolaydır.

Customize hearhearhearottom

Aspose.3D for .NET allows customizing shear bottom of a cylinder. In order to use this functionality, you can use ShearBottom property of Cylinder class. The following code snippet shows how to customize Shear Bottom:

! Todo: image_alt_text

The left cylinder has ShearBottom to (0, 0.83) while the right one is an ordinal cylinder.

Create Fan-Cylinder

Aspose.3D for .NET allows creating a fan cylinder. In order to use this functionality, you can set GenerateFanCylinder property of Cylinder class to true. The following code snippet shows how to use this functionality:

! Todo: image_alt_text

The left cylinder has GenerateFanCylinder = false and the right one has GenerateFanCylinder = true.