合并 3D 文件中的网格


开发人员可以将多个网格合并为一个有效的网格。它们可能会将 3D 场景的所有网格、一个节点或一组节点转换为单个网格。为了实现这一点,在 Aspose.ThreeD.Entities.PolygonModifier 类中有三个 MergeMesh 成员。


 // Convert a whole node to a single transformed mesh

// Vertex elements like normal/texture coordinates are not supported yet

// <param name="node">The node to merge</param>

// <returns>Merged mesh</returns>

public static Mesh MergeMesh(Node node)

// Convert a whole scene to a single transformed mesh

// Vertex elements like normal/texture coordinates are not supported yet

// <param name="scene">The scene to merge</param>

// <returns>The merged mesh</returns>

public static Mesh MergeMesh(Scene scene);

// Convert a set of nodes to a single transformed mesh

// Vertex elements like normal/texture coordinates are not supported yet

// <param name="nodes">The nodes to merge</param>

// <returns>Merged mesh</returns>

public static Mesh MergeMesh(IList<Node> nodes);



 // load a 3D scene

Scene scene = new Scene("LAD-TOP.rvm");

// merge all meshes

Mesh mesh = PolygonModifier.MergeMesh(scene);

// encode this mesh into the PLY format

FileFormat.PLY.EncodeMesh(mesh, "LAD-TOP.ply");