Aspose.3D 17.2.0中的公共 API 更改



使用最新版本 (17.02) 或更高版本,开发人员可以导入X文件。将XBinary和XText格式条目添加到导入二进制和ASCII X文件中。


 // XBinary and XText entries are added in the FileFormat class

public static readonly Aspose.ThreeD.FileFormat XBinary;

public static readonly Aspose.ThreeD.FileFormat XText;

// load X file

Scene Xfile = new Scene("3D.x");

添加 Aspose.ThreeD.Formats.X.XLoadOptions类

我们添加了XLoadOptions类。它有助于将X文件导入 Aspose.3D API。


 // XBinary and XText entries are added in the FileFormat class

public static readonly Aspose.ThreeD.FileFormat XBinary;

public static readonly Aspose.ThreeD.FileFormat XText;

// initialize Scene class object

Scene scene = new Scene();

// initialize an object

XLoadOptions loadXOpts = new XLoadOptions();

// load X file

scene.Open( "3DX.x", loadXOpts);