
QualitySettings class

QualitySettings allows to configure recognition quality and speed manually.
You can quickly set up QualitySettings with embedded presets: HighPerformance, NormalQuality, HighQuality, MaxQuality or you can manually configure separate options.
Default value of QualitySettings is NormalQuality.

The QualitySettings type exposes the following members:


Name Description
high_performance HighPerformance recognition quality preset. High quality barcodes are recognized well in this mode.
normal_quality NormalQuality recognition quality preset. Suitable for the most of barcodes
high_quality HighQuality recognition quality preset. This preset is developed for low quality barcodes. Allows to detect highly damaged barcodes.
max_quality MaxQuality recognition quality preset. This preset is developed to recognize all possible barcodes, even incorrect barcodes.
x_dimension Recognition mode which sets size (from 1 to infinity) of barcode minimal element: matrix cell or bar.
minimal_x_dimension Minimal size of XDimension in pixels which is used with UseMinimalXDimension.
barcode_quality Mode which enables methods to recognize barcode elements with the selected quality. Barcode element with lower quality requires more hard methods which slows the recognition.
deconvolution Deconvolution (image restorations) mode which defines level of image degradation. Originally deconvolution is a function which can restore image degraded
(convoluted) by any natural function like blur, during obtaining image by camera. Because we cannot detect image function which corrupt the image,
we have to check most well know functions like sharp or mathematical morphology.
inverse_image Mode which enables or disables additional recognition of barcodes on images with inverted colors (luminance).
complex_background Mode which enables or disables additional recognition of color barcodes on color images.
allow_incorrect_barcodes Allows engine to recognize barcodes which has incorrect checksumm or incorrect values. Mode can be used to recognize damaged barcodes with incorrect text.

See Also