
Address class

Address of creditor or debtor.

You can either set street, house number, postal code and town (type

The Address type exposes the following members:


Name Description
Address() Creates instance of Address


Name Description
type Gets the address type.

The address type is automatically set by either setting street / house number
or address line 1 and 2. Before setting the fields, the address type is
name Gets or sets the name, either the first and last name of a natural person or the
company name of a legal person.
address_line1 Gets or sets the address line 1.

Address line 1 contains street name, house number or P.O. box.

Setting this field sets the address type to COMBINED_ELEMENTS unless it’s already
STRUCTURED, in which case it becomes CONFLICTING.

This field is only used for combined elements addresses and is optional.
address_line2 Gets or sets the address line 2.

Address line 2 contains postal code and town.

Setting this field sets the address type to COMBINED_ELEMENTS unless it’s already
STRUCTURED, in which case it becomes CONFLICTING.

This field is only used for combined elements addresses. For this type, it’s mandatory.
street Gets or sets the street.

The street must be speicfied without house number.

Setting this field sets the address type to STRUCTURED unless it’s already
COMBINED_ELEMENTS, in which case it becomes CONFLICTING.

This field is only used for structured addresses and is optional.
house_no Gets or sets the house number.

Setting this field sets the address type to STRUCTURED unless it’s already
COMBINED_ELEMENTS, in which case it becomes CONFLICTING.

This field is only used for structured addresses and is optional.
postal_code Gets or sets the postal code.

Setting this field sets the address type to STRUCTURED unless it’s already
COMBINED_ELEMENTS, in which case it becomes CONFLICTING.

This field is only used for structured addresses. For this type, it’s mandatory.
town Gets or sets the town or city.

Setting this field sets the address type to STRUCTURED unless it’s already
COMBINED_ELEMENTS, in which case it becomes CONFLICTING.

This field is only used for structured addresses. For this type, it’s mandatory.
country_code Gets or sets the two-letter ISO country code.

The country code is mandatory unless the entire address contains


Name Description
clear() Clears all fields and sets the type to UNDETERMINED.
equals(other) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.

See Also