Formater les cellules de feuille de calcul dans un classeur
Cet article montre comment :
- Utiliser des styles pour formater rapidement les données.
- Formater les cellules dans les lignes et les colonnes.
- Utiliser des bordures et des couleurs pour mettre en évidence les données.
- Appliquer des formats de nombre pour mettre en évidence les données.
- Utiliser des polices et des attributs pour mettre en évidence les données.
- Formater les données dans une plage nommée.
- Changer l’alignement et l’orientation des données.
- Définir la hauteur de ligne et la largeur de colonne.
Le projet exemple effectue toutes ces tâches et fournit aux développeurs une description détaillée de comment créer un classeur, ajouter des données et appliquer un formatage à l’aide de Aspose.Cells.
Formatage des données
Le formatage est utilisé pour distinguer les différents types d’informations et afficher clairement les données.
Un format représente un style et est défini comme un ensemble de caractéristiques, telles que les polices et les tailles de police, les formats de nombre, les bordures de cellules, l’ombrage des cellules, l’indentation, l’alignement et l’orientation du texte. Les bordures fournissent d’autres moyens de mettre en évidence des informations. Une bordure est une ligne dessinée autour d’une cellule ou d’un groupe de cellules.
Les formats de nombre rendent également les données plus significatives. En appliquant différents formats de nombre, vous pouvez changer l’apparence des nombres sans changer la valeur sous-jacente.
Aspose.Cells vous permet de dessiner facilement des bordures autour des cellules et des plages. Il vous permet également d’appliquer des polices et d’ombrer des cellules. Le composant est suffisamment efficace pour formater une ligne ou une colonne complète, définir des alignements, envelopper et faire pivoter du texte dans des cellules. Aspose.Cells prend en charge tous les formats de nombre pris en charge par Microsoft Excel.
Cet article montre comment créer une application console dans Visual Studio.Net qui génère un rapport de ventes annuel. Le classeur est créé à partir de zéro, puis des données sont insérées et la feuille de calcul est formatée. Nous montrons comment créer une application console simple qui crée un classeur Excel (vous pouvez également utiliser un fichier modèle), insérer les données de vente dans la première feuille de calcul, formater les données et enregistrer un fichier Excel.
Voici les étapes pour créer une feuille de calcul et formater différentes cellules dans différentes lignes et colonnes d’une feuille de calcul.
- Téléchargez et installez Aspose.Cells :
- Télécharger Aspose.Cells for .NET.
- Installez-le sur votre ordinateur de développement.
- Créez un projet et ajoutez des références:
- Démarrer Visual Studio.Net.
- Créez une nouvelle application console.
- Ajoutez une référence à Aspose.Cells, par exemple …\Program Files\Aspose\Aspose.Cells\Bin\Net1.0\Aspose.Cells.dll
- Ajoutez le code suivant au projet:
// For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
/// <summary> | |
/// AsposeFormatWorksheet | |
/// Use Aspose.Cells to perform the task | |
/// </summary> | |
class FormatWorksheetCells | |
{ | |
/// <summary> | |
/// The main entry point for the application. | |
/// </summary> | |
[STAThread] | |
public static void Run() | |
{ | |
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); | |
string filename = dataDir + "FormatWorksheet.xls"; | |
CreateSalesReport(filename); | |
} | |
private static void CreateSalesReport(string filename) | |
{ | |
/* | |
* Uncomment the code below when you have purchased license | |
* for Aspose.Cells. You need to deploy the license in the | |
* same folder as your executable, alternatively you can add | |
* the license file as an embedded resource to your project. | |
*/ | |
Aspose.Cells.License cellsLicense = new | |
Aspose.Cells.License(); | |
cellsLicense.SetLicense("Aspose.Cells.lic"); | |
// Create a new Workbook. | |
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(); | |
/* | |
* Note: Since Excel color palette has 56 colors on it. | |
* The colors are indexed 0-55. | |
* Please check: http:// | |
* If a color is not present on the palette, we have to add it | |
* To the palette, so that we may use. | |
* Add a few custom colors to the palette. | |
*/ | |
workbook.ChangePalette(Color.FromArgb(155, 204, 255), 55); | |
workbook.ChangePalette(Color.FromArgb(0, 51, 105), 54); | |
workbook.ChangePalette(Color.FromArgb(250, 250, 200), 53); | |
workbook.ChangePalette(Color.FromArgb(124, 199, 72), 52); | |
CreateReportData(workbook); | |
CreateCellsFormatting(workbook); | |
// Get the first worksheet in the book. | |
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0]; | |
// Name the worksheet. | |
worksheet.Name = "Sales Report"; | |
// Save the excel file. | |
workbook.Save(filename); | |
} | |
private static void CreateReportData(Workbook workbook) | |
{ | |
// Obtain the cells of the first worksheet. | |
Cells cells = workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells; | |
// Input the title on B1 cell. | |
cells["B1"].PutValue("Western Product Sales 2006"); | |
// Insert some column headings in the second row. | |
Cell cell = cells["B2"]; | |
cell.PutValue("January"); | |
cell = cells["C2"]; | |
cell.PutValue("February"); | |
cell = cells["D2"]; | |
cell.PutValue("March"); | |
cell = cells["E2"]; | |
cell.PutValue("April"); | |
cell = cells["F2"]; | |
cell.PutValue("May"); | |
cell = cells["G2"]; | |
cell.PutValue("June"); | |
cell = cells["H2"]; | |
cell.PutValue("July"); | |
cell = cells["I2"]; | |
cell.PutValue("August"); | |
cell = cells["J2"]; | |
cell.PutValue("September"); | |
cell = cells["K2"]; | |
cell.PutValue("October"); | |
cell = cells["L2"]; | |
cell.PutValue("November"); | |
cell = cells["M2"]; | |
cell.PutValue("December"); | |
cell = cells["N2"]; | |
cell.PutValue("Total"); | |
// Insert product names. | |
cells["A3"].PutValue("Biscuits"); | |
cells["A4"].PutValue("Coffee"); | |
cells["A5"].PutValue("Tofu"); | |
cells["A6"].PutValue("Ikura"); | |
cells["A7"].PutValue("Choclade"); | |
cells["A8"].PutValue("Maxilaku"); | |
cells["A9"].PutValue("Scones"); | |
cells["A10"].PutValue("Sauce"); | |
cells["A11"].PutValue("Syrup"); | |
cells["A12"].PutValue("Spegesild"); | |
cells["A13"].PutValue("Filo Mix"); | |
cells["A14"].PutValue("Pears"); | |
cells["A15"].PutValue("Konbu"); | |
cells["A16"].PutValue("Kaviar"); | |
cells["A17"].PutValue("Zaanse"); | |
cells["A18"].PutValue("Cabrales"); | |
cells["A19"].PutValue("Gnocchi"); | |
cells["A20"].PutValue("Wimmers"); | |
cells["A21"].PutValue("Breads"); | |
cells["A22"].PutValue("Lager"); | |
cells["A23"].PutValue("Gravad"); | |
cells["A24"].PutValue("Telino"); | |
cells["A25"].PutValue("Pavlova"); | |
cells["A26"].PutValue("Total"); | |
// Input porduct sales data (B3:M25). | |
cells["B3"].PutValue(5000); | |
cells["C3"].PutValue(4500); | |
cells["D3"].PutValue(6010); | |
cells["E3"].PutValue(7230); | |
cells["F3"].PutValue(5400); | |
cells["G3"].PutValue(5030); | |
cells["H3"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["I3"].PutValue(6000); | |
cells["J3"].PutValue(9000); | |
cells["K3"].PutValue(3300); | |
cells["L3"].PutValue(2500); | |
cells["M3"].PutValue(5510); | |
cells["B4"].PutValue(4000); | |
cells["C4"].PutValue(2500); | |
cells["D4"].PutValue(6000); | |
cells["E4"].PutValue(5300); | |
cells["F4"].PutValue(7400); | |
cells["G4"].PutValue(7030); | |
cells["H4"].PutValue(4000); | |
cells["I4"].PutValue(4000); | |
cells["J4"].PutValue(5500); | |
cells["K4"].PutValue(4500); | |
cells["L4"].PutValue(2500); | |
cells["M4"].PutValue(2510); | |
cells["B5"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["C5"].PutValue(1500); | |
cells["D5"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["E5"].PutValue(2500); | |
cells["F5"].PutValue(3400); | |
cells["G5"].PutValue(4030); | |
cells["H5"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["I5"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["J5"].PutValue(1500); | |
cells["K5"].PutValue(2200); | |
cells["L5"].PutValue(2100); | |
cells["M5"].PutValue(2310); | |
cells["B6"].PutValue(1000); | |
cells["C6"].PutValue(1300); | |
cells["D6"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["E6"].PutValue(2600); | |
cells["F6"].PutValue(5400); | |
cells["G6"].PutValue(2030); | |
cells["H6"].PutValue(2100); | |
cells["I6"].PutValue(4000); | |
cells["J6"].PutValue(6500); | |
cells["K6"].PutValue(5600); | |
cells["L6"].PutValue(3300); | |
cells["M6"].PutValue(5110); | |
cells["B7"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["C7"].PutValue(3500); | |
cells["D7"].PutValue(1000); | |
cells["E7"].PutValue(4500); | |
cells["F7"].PutValue(5400); | |
cells["G7"].PutValue(2030); | |
cells["H7"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["I7"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["J7"].PutValue(4500); | |
cells["K7"].PutValue(6000); | |
cells["L7"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["M7"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["B8"].PutValue(5000); | |
cells["C8"].PutValue(5500); | |
cells["D8"].PutValue(5000); | |
cells["E8"].PutValue(5500); | |
cells["F8"].PutValue(5400); | |
cells["G8"].PutValue(5030); | |
cells["H8"].PutValue(5000); | |
cells["I8"].PutValue(2500); | |
cells["J8"].PutValue(5500); | |
cells["K8"].PutValue(5200); | |
cells["L8"].PutValue(5500); | |
cells["M8"].PutValue(2510); | |
cells["B9"].PutValue(4100); | |
cells["C9"].PutValue(1500); | |
cells["D9"].PutValue(1000); | |
cells["E9"].PutValue(2300); | |
cells["F9"].PutValue(3300); | |
cells["G9"].PutValue(4030); | |
cells["H9"].PutValue(5000); | |
cells["I9"].PutValue(6000); | |
cells["J9"].PutValue(3500); | |
cells["K9"].PutValue(4300); | |
cells["L9"].PutValue(2300); | |
cells["M9"].PutValue(2110); | |
cells["B10"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["C10"].PutValue(2300); | |
cells["D10"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["E10"].PutValue(3300); | |
cells["F10"].PutValue(3400); | |
cells["G10"].PutValue(3030); | |
cells["H10"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["I10"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["J10"].PutValue(3500); | |
cells["K10"].PutValue(3500); | |
cells["L10"].PutValue(3500); | |
cells["M10"].PutValue(3510); | |
cells["B11"].PutValue(4400); | |
cells["C11"].PutValue(4500); | |
cells["D11"].PutValue(4000); | |
cells["E11"].PutValue(4300); | |
cells["F11"].PutValue(4400); | |
cells["G11"].PutValue(4030); | |
cells["H11"].PutValue(5000); | |
cells["I11"].PutValue(5000); | |
cells["J11"].PutValue(4500); | |
cells["K11"].PutValue(4400); | |
cells["L11"].PutValue(4400); | |
cells["M11"].PutValue(4510); | |
cells["B12"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["C12"].PutValue(1500); | |
cells["D12"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["E12"].PutValue(2300); | |
cells["F12"].PutValue(3400); | |
cells["G12"].PutValue(3030); | |
cells["H12"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["I12"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["J12"].PutValue(2500); | |
cells["K12"].PutValue(2500); | |
cells["L12"].PutValue(1500); | |
cells["M12"].PutValue(5110); | |
cells["B13"].PutValue(4000); | |
cells["C13"].PutValue(1400); | |
cells["D13"].PutValue(1400); | |
cells["E13"].PutValue(3300); | |
cells["F13"].PutValue(3300); | |
cells["G13"].PutValue(3730); | |
cells["H13"].PutValue(3800); | |
cells["I13"].PutValue(3600); | |
cells["J13"].PutValue(2600); | |
cells["K13"].PutValue(4600); | |
cells["L13"].PutValue(1400); | |
cells["M13"].PutValue(2660); | |
cells["B14"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["C14"].PutValue(3500); | |
cells["D14"].PutValue(3333); | |
cells["E14"].PutValue(2330); | |
cells["F14"].PutValue(3430); | |
cells["G14"].PutValue(3040); | |
cells["H14"].PutValue(3040); | |
cells["I14"].PutValue(3030); | |
cells["J14"].PutValue(1509); | |
cells["K14"].PutValue(4503); | |
cells["L14"].PutValue(1503); | |
cells["M14"].PutValue(3113); | |
cells["B15"].PutValue(2010); | |
cells["C15"].PutValue(1520); | |
cells["D15"].PutValue(3030); | |
cells["E15"].PutValue(2320); | |
cells["F15"].PutValue(3410); | |
cells["G15"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["H15"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["I15"].PutValue(3020); | |
cells["J15"].PutValue(2520); | |
cells["K15"].PutValue(2520); | |
cells["L15"].PutValue(1520); | |
cells["M15"].PutValue(5120); | |
cells["B16"].PutValue(2220); | |
cells["C16"].PutValue(1200); | |
cells["D16"].PutValue(3220); | |
cells["E16"].PutValue(1320); | |
cells["F16"].PutValue(1400); | |
cells["G16"].PutValue(1030); | |
cells["H16"].PutValue(3200); | |
cells["I16"].PutValue(3020); | |
cells["J16"].PutValue(2100); | |
cells["K16"].PutValue(2100); | |
cells["L16"].PutValue(1100); | |
cells["M16"].PutValue(5210); | |
cells["B17"].PutValue(1444); | |
cells["C17"].PutValue(1540); | |
cells["D17"].PutValue(3040); | |
cells["E17"].PutValue(2340); | |
cells["F17"].PutValue(1440); | |
cells["G17"].PutValue(1030); | |
cells["H17"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["I17"].PutValue(4000); | |
cells["J17"].PutValue(4500); | |
cells["K17"].PutValue(2500); | |
cells["L17"].PutValue(4500); | |
cells["M17"].PutValue(5550); | |
cells["B18"].PutValue(4000); | |
cells["C18"].PutValue(5500); | |
cells["D18"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["E18"].PutValue(3300); | |
cells["F18"].PutValue(3330); | |
cells["G18"].PutValue(5330); | |
cells["H18"].PutValue(3400); | |
cells["I18"].PutValue(3040); | |
cells["J18"].PutValue(2540); | |
cells["K18"].PutValue(4500); | |
cells["L18"].PutValue(4500); | |
cells["M18"].PutValue(2110); | |
cells["B19"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["C19"].PutValue(2500); | |
cells["D19"].PutValue(3200); | |
cells["E19"].PutValue(3200); | |
cells["F19"].PutValue(2330); | |
cells["G19"].PutValue(5230); | |
cells["H19"].PutValue(2400); | |
cells["I19"].PutValue(3240); | |
cells["J19"].PutValue(2240); | |
cells["K19"].PutValue(4300); | |
cells["L19"].PutValue(4100); | |
cells["M19"].PutValue(2310); | |
cells["B20"].PutValue(7000); | |
cells["C20"].PutValue(8500); | |
cells["D20"].PutValue(8000); | |
cells["E20"].PutValue(5300); | |
cells["F20"].PutValue(6330); | |
cells["G20"].PutValue(7330); | |
cells["H20"].PutValue(3600); | |
cells["I20"].PutValue(3940); | |
cells["J20"].PutValue(2940); | |
cells["K20"].PutValue(4600); | |
cells["L20"].PutValue(6500); | |
cells["M20"].PutValue(8710); | |
cells["B21"].PutValue(4000); | |
cells["C21"].PutValue(4500); | |
cells["D21"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["E21"].PutValue(2200); | |
cells["F21"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["G21"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["H21"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["I21"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["J21"].PutValue(4330); | |
cells["K21"].PutValue(4420); | |
cells["L21"].PutValue(4500); | |
cells["M21"].PutValue(1330); | |
cells["B22"].PutValue(2050); | |
cells["C22"].PutValue(3520); | |
cells["D22"].PutValue(1030); | |
cells["E22"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["F22"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["G22"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["H22"].PutValue(2010); | |
cells["I22"].PutValue(2210); | |
cells["J22"].PutValue(2230); | |
cells["K22"].PutValue(4240); | |
cells["L22"].PutValue(3330); | |
cells["M22"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["B23"].PutValue(1222); | |
cells["C23"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["D23"].PutValue(3020); | |
cells["E23"].PutValue(2770); | |
cells["F23"].PutValue(3011); | |
cells["G23"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["H23"].PutValue(6000); | |
cells["I23"].PutValue(9000); | |
cells["J23"].PutValue(4000); | |
cells["K23"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["L23"].PutValue(5000); | |
cells["M23"].PutValue(6333); | |
cells["B24"].PutValue(1000); | |
cells["C24"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["D24"].PutValue(1000); | |
cells["E24"].PutValue(1300); | |
cells["F24"].PutValue(1330); | |
cells["G24"].PutValue(1390); | |
cells["H24"].PutValue(1600); | |
cells["I24"].PutValue(1900); | |
cells["J24"].PutValue(1400); | |
cells["K24"].PutValue(1650); | |
cells["L24"].PutValue(1520); | |
cells["M24"].PutValue(1910); | |
cells["B25"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["C25"].PutValue(6600); | |
cells["D25"].PutValue(3300); | |
cells["E25"].PutValue(8300); | |
cells["F25"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["G25"].PutValue(3000); | |
cells["H25"].PutValue(6000); | |
cells["I25"].PutValue(4000); | |
cells["J25"].PutValue(7000); | |
cells["K25"].PutValue(2000); | |
cells["L25"].PutValue(5000); | |
cells["M25"].PutValue(5500); | |
// Add Monthwise Summary formulas. | |
cells["B26"].Formula = "=SUM(B3:B25)"; | |
cells["C26"].Formula = "=SUM(C3:C25)"; | |
cells["D26"].Formula = "=SUM(D3:D25)"; | |
cells["E26"].Formula = "=SUM(E3:E25)"; | |
cells["F26"].Formula = "=SUM(F3:F25)"; | |
cells["G26"].Formula = "=SUM(G3:G25)"; | |
cells["H26"].Formula = "=SUM(H3:H25)"; | |
cells["I26"].Formula = "=SUM(I3:I25)"; | |
cells["J26"].Formula = "=SUM(J3:J25)"; | |
cells["K26"].Formula = "=SUM(K3:K25)"; | |
cells["L26"].Formula = "=SUM(L3:L25)"; | |
cells["M26"].Formula = "=SUM(M3:M25)"; | |
// Add Productwise Summary formulas. | |
cells["N3"].Formula = "=SUM(B3:M3)"; | |
cells["N4"].Formula = "=SUM(B4:M4)"; | |
cells["N5"].Formula = "=SUM(B5:M5)"; | |
cells["N6"].Formula = "=SUM(B6:M6)"; | |
cells["N7"].Formula = "=SUM(B7:M7)"; | |
cells["N8"].Formula = "=SUM(B8:M8)"; | |
cells["N9"].Formula = "=SUM(B9:M9)"; | |
cells["N10"].Formula = "=SUM(B10:M10)"; | |
cells["N11"].Formula = "=SUM(B11:M11)"; | |
cells["N12"].Formula = "=SUM(B12:M12)"; | |
cells["N13"].Formula = "=SUM(B13:M13)"; | |
cells["N14"].Formula = "=SUM(B14:M14)"; | |
cells["N15"].Formula = "=SUM(B15:M15)"; | |
cells["N16"].Formula = "=SUM(B16:M16)"; | |
cells["N17"].Formula = "=SUM(B17:M17)"; | |
cells["N18"].Formula = "=SUM(B18:M18)"; | |
cells["N19"].Formula = "=SUM(B19:M19)"; | |
cells["N20"].Formula = "=SUM(B20:M20)"; | |
cells["N21"].Formula = "=SUM(B21:M21)"; | |
cells["N22"].Formula = "=SUM(B22:M22)"; | |
cells["N23"].Formula = "=SUM(B23:M23)"; | |
cells["N24"].Formula = "=SUM(B24:M24)"; | |
cells["N25"].Formula = "=SUM(B25:M25)"; | |
// Add Grand Total. | |
cells["N26"].Formula = "=SUM(N3:N25)"; | |
} | |
private static void CreateCellsFormatting(Workbook workbook) | |
{ | |
// Define a style object adding a new style to the collection list. | |
Style stl0 = workbook.CreateStyle(); | |
// Set a custom shading color of the cells. | |
stl0.ForegroundColor = Color.FromArgb(155, 204, 255); | |
stl0.Pattern = BackgroundType.Solid; | |
stl0.Font.Name = "Trebuchet MS"; | |
stl0.Font.Size = 18; | |
stl0.Font.Color = Color.Maroon; | |
stl0.Font.IsBold = true; | |
stl0.Font.IsItalic = true; | |
// Define a style flag struct. | |
StyleFlag flag = new StyleFlag(); | |
flag.CellShading = true; | |
flag.FontName = true; | |
flag.FontSize = true; | |
flag.FontColor = true; | |
flag.FontBold = true; | |
flag.FontItalic = true; | |
// Get the first row in the first worksheet. | |
Row row = workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells.Rows[0]; | |
// Apply the style to it. | |
row.ApplyStyle(stl0, flag); | |
// Obtain the cells of the first worksheet. | |
Cells cells = workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells; | |
// Set the height of the first row. | |
cells.SetRowHeight(0, 30); | |
// Define a style object adding a new style to the collection list. | |
Style stl1 = workbook.CreateStyle(); | |
// Set the rotation angle of the text. | |
stl1.RotationAngle = 45; | |
// Set the custom fill color of the cells. | |
stl1.ForegroundColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 51, 105); | |
stl1.Pattern = BackgroundType.Solid; | |
stl1.Borders[BorderType.LeftBorder].LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thin; | |
stl1.Borders[BorderType.LeftBorder].Color = Color.White; | |
stl1.HorizontalAlignment = TextAlignmentType.Center; | |
stl1.VerticalAlignment = TextAlignmentType.Center; | |
stl1.Font.Name = "Times New Roman"; | |
stl1.Font.Size = 10; | |
stl1.Font.Color = Color.White; | |
stl1.Font.IsBold = true; | |
// Set a style flag struct. | |
flag = new StyleFlag(); | |
flag.LeftBorder = true; | |
flag.Rotation = true; | |
flag.CellShading = true; | |
flag.HorizontalAlignment = true; | |
flag.VerticalAlignment = true; | |
flag.FontName = true; | |
flag.FontSize = true; | |
flag.FontColor = true; | |
flag.FontBold = true; | |
row = workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells.Rows[1]; | |
// Apply the style to it. | |
row.ApplyStyle(stl1, flag); | |
// Set the height of the second row. | |
cells.SetRowHeight(1, 48); | |
// Define a style object adding a new style to the collection list. | |
Style stl2 = workbook.CreateStyle(); | |
// Set the custom cell shading color. | |
stl2.ForegroundColor = Color.FromArgb(155, 204, 255); | |
stl2.Pattern = BackgroundType.Solid; | |
stl2.Font.Name = "Trebuchet MS"; | |
stl2.Font.Color = Color.Maroon; | |
stl2.Font.Size = 10; | |
flag = new StyleFlag(); | |
flag.CellShading = true; | |
flag.FontName = true; | |
flag.FontColor = true; | |
flag.FontSize = true; | |
// Get the first column in the first worksheet. | |
Column col = workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells.Columns[0]; | |
// Apply the style to it. | |
col.ApplyStyle(stl2, flag); | |
// Define a style object adding a new style to the collection list. | |
Style stl3 = workbook.CreateStyle(); | |
// Set the custom cell filling color. | |
stl3.ForegroundColor = Color.FromArgb(124, 199, 72); | |
stl3.Pattern = BackgroundType.Solid; | |
cells["A2"].SetStyle(stl3); | |
// Define a style object adding a new style to the collection list. | |
Style stl4 = workbook.CreateStyle(); | |
// Set the custom font text color. | |
stl4.Font.Color = Color.FromArgb(0, 51, 105); | |
stl4.Borders[BorderType.BottomBorder].LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thin; | |
stl4.Borders[BorderType.BottomBorder].Color = Color.FromArgb(124, 199, 72); | |
stl4.ForegroundColor = Color.White; | |
stl4.Pattern = BackgroundType.Solid; | |
// Set custom number format. | |
stl4.Custom = "$#,##0.0"; | |
// Set a style flag struct. | |
flag = new StyleFlag(); | |
flag.FontColor = true; | |
flag.CellShading = true; | |
flag.NumberFormat = true; | |
flag.BottomBorder = true; | |
// Define a style object adding a new style to the collection list. | |
Style stl5 = workbook.CreateStyle(); | |
stl5.Borders[BorderType.BottomBorder].LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thin; | |
stl5.Borders[BorderType.BottomBorder].Color = Color.FromArgb(124, 199, 72); | |
stl5.ForegroundColor = Color.FromArgb(250, 250, 200); | |
stl5.Pattern = BackgroundType.Solid; | |
// Set custom number format. | |
stl5.Custom = "$#,##0.0"; | |
stl5.Font.Color = Color.Maroon; | |
// Create a named range of cells (B3:M25)in the first worksheet. | |
Range range = workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells.CreateRange("B3", "M25"); | |
// Name the range. | |
range.Name = "MyRange"; | |
// Apply the style to cells in the named range. | |
range.ApplyStyle(stl4, flag); | |
// Apply different style to alternative rows in the range. | |
for (int i = 0; i <= 22; i++) | |
{ | |
for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++) | |
{ | |
if (i % 2 == 0) | |
{ | |
range[i, j].SetStyle(stl5); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
// Define a style object adding a new style to the collection list. | |
Style stl6 = workbook.CreateStyle(); | |
// Set the custom fill color of the cells. | |
stl6.ForegroundColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 51, 105); | |
stl6.Pattern = BackgroundType.Solid; | |
stl6.Font.Name = "Arial"; | |
stl6.Font.Size = 10; | |
stl6.Font.Color = Color.White; | |
stl6.Font.IsBold = true; | |
// Set the custom number format. | |
stl6.Custom = "$#,##0.0"; | |
// Set the style flag struct. | |
flag = new StyleFlag(); | |
flag.CellShading = true; | |
flag.FontName = true; | |
flag.FontSize = true; | |
flag.FontColor = true; | |
flag.FontBold = true; | |
flag.NumberFormat = true; | |
// Get the 26th row in the first worksheet which produces totals. | |
row = workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells.Rows[25]; | |
// Apply the style to it. | |
row.ApplyStyle(stl6, flag); | |
// Now apply this style to those cells (N3:N25) which has productwise sales totals. | |
for (int i = 2; i < 25; i++) | |
{ | |
cells[i, 13].SetStyle(stl6); | |
} | |
// Set N column's width to fit the contents. | |
workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells.SetColumnWidth(13, 9.33); | |
} | |
} |