Obtenir le numéro de version de l application qui a créé le document Excel

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Le code d’exemple suivant montre l’utilisation de la propriété Workbook.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Version. Il charge les fichiers Excel créés avec Microsoft Excel 2003, 2007, 2010 et 2013 et affiche le numéro de version de l’application qui a créé ces documents Excel.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-cells/Aspose.Cells-for-.NET
// Create a workbook reference
Workbook workbook = null;
// Print the version number of Excel 2003 XLS file
workbook = new Workbook("Excel2003.xls");
Console.WriteLine("Excel 2003 XLS Version: " + workbook.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Version);
// Print the version number of Excel 2007 XLS file
workbook = new Workbook("Excel2007.xls");
Console.WriteLine("Excel 2007 XLS Version: " + workbook.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Version);
// Print the version number of Excel 2010 XLS file
workbook = new Workbook("Excel2010.xls");
Console.WriteLine("Excel 2010 XLS Version: " + workbook.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Version);
// Print the version number of Excel 2013 XLS file
workbook = new Workbook("Excel2013.xls");
Console.WriteLine("Excel 2013 XLS Version: " + workbook.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Version);
// Print the version number of Excel 2007 XLSX file
workbook = new Workbook("Excel2007.xlsx");
Console.WriteLine("Excel 2007 XLSX Version: " + workbook.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Version);
// Print the version number of Excel 2010 XLSX file
workbook = new Workbook("Excel2010.xlsx");
Console.WriteLine("Excel 2010 XLSX Version: " + workbook.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Version);
// Print the version number of Excel 2013 XLSX file
workbook = new Workbook("Excel2013.xlsx");
Console.WriteLine("Excel 2013 XLSX Version: " + workbook.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Version);