Utilisation des marqueurs d image lors du regroupement de données dans les Smart Markers

Utilisation des marqueurs d’image lors du regroupement des données dans des marqueurs intelligents

L’exemple suivant crée un classeur puis ajoute les balises de marqueurs intelligents suivantes dans les cellules D2, E2 et F2 respectivement.




Ensuite, il remplit la source de données avec des données et appelle la méthode WorkbookDesigner.Process() pour traiter les balises de marqueurs intelligents. Le code utilise ces images c’est-à-dire moon.png et moon2.png mais vous pouvez utiliser n’importe quelle image.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-cells/Aspose.Cells-for-.NET
public class UsingImageMarkersWhileGroupingDataInSmartMarkers
class Person
// Create Name, City and Photo properties
private string m_Name;
private string m_City;
private byte[] m_Photo;
public Person(string name, string city, byte[] photo)
m_Name = name;
m_City = city;
m_Photo = photo;
public string Name
get { return m_Name; }
set { m_Name = value; }
public string City
get { return m_City; }
set { m_City = value; }
public byte[] Photo
get { return m_Photo; }
set { m_Photo = value; }
public static void Run()
// The path to the documents directory.
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
// Get the images
byte[] photo1 = File.ReadAllBytes(dataDir + "moon.png");
byte[] photo2 = File.ReadAllBytes(dataDir + "moon2.png");
// Create a new workbook and access its worksheet
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
// Set the standard row height to 35
worksheet.Cells.StandardHeight = 35;
// Set column widhts of D, E and F
worksheet.Cells.SetColumnWidth(3, 20);
worksheet.Cells.SetColumnWidth(4, 20);
worksheet.Cells.SetColumnWidth(5, 40);
// Add the headings in columns D, E and F
Style st = worksheet.Cells["D1"].GetStyle();
st.Font.IsBold = true;
// Add smart marker tags in columns D, E, F
// Create Persons objects with photos
List<Person> persons = new List<Person>();
persons.Add(new Person("George", "New York", photo1));
persons.Add(new Person("George", "New York", photo2));
persons.Add(new Person("George", "New York", photo1));
persons.Add(new Person("George", "New York", photo2));
persons.Add(new Person("Johnson", "London", photo2));
persons.Add(new Person("Johnson", "London", photo1));
persons.Add(new Person("Johnson", "London", photo2));
persons.Add(new Person("Simon", "Paris", photo1));
persons.Add(new Person("Simon", "Paris", photo2));
persons.Add(new Person("Simon", "Paris", photo1));
persons.Add(new Person("Henry", "Sydney", photo2));
persons.Add(new Person("Henry", "Sydney", photo1));
persons.Add(new Person("Henry", "Sydney", photo2));
// Create a workbook designer
WorkbookDesigner designer = new WorkbookDesigner(workbook);
// Set the data source and process smart marker tags
designer.SetDataSource("Person", persons);
// Save the workbook
workbook.Save(dataDir + "UsingImageMarkersWhileGroupingDataInSmartMarkers.xlsx", SaveFormat.Xlsx);