Barres de commande

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Le tableau suivant montre les icônes des barres de commande et les outils sur la barre d’outils de l’add-in Aspose.Cells.Report.Designer.

Commande Image Description
Open Local Report todo:image_alt_text Opens an RDL file from local PC and loads the file context.
Open Remote Report todo:image_alt_text Opens an RDL file from Report Server and loads the file context.
Save Report todo:image_alt_text Saves designing report locally or on the server.
Publish Report todo:image_alt_text Uploads the RDL file on the server.
View Report todo:image_alt_text Displays a preview of the report from the server.
Build DataSet and Data Source todo:image_alt_text Builds datasets and data sources.
Modify Report Parameter todo:image_alt_text Modifies report parameter and query parameter relation.
Insert Formula todo:image_alt_text Inserts formula into the cell through the formula editor windows
Set Attribute todo:image_alt_text Sets some of the report attributes: report name, report range, group fields, order fields and so on.
Modify Attribute todo:image_alt_text Modifies some of the report attributes: report name, report range, group fields, order fields and so on.
Set Footer todo:image_alt_text Inserts ‘##footer’ into the cell.