Creazione di un grafico a cascata
Creazione di un grafico a cascata
Le API di Aspose.Cells consentono di creare un grafico a cascata con l’aiuto di un grafico a linee. L’API consente anche di personalizzare l’aspetto del grafico per dargli la forma della cascata impostando le proprietà più importanti per modellare il grafico, cioè; proprietà Series.UpBars e Series.DownBars.
Il frammento di codice fornito di seguito dimostra l’uso dell’API Aspose.Cells for Java per creare un grafico a cascata da zero.
Codice Java per creare un grafico a cascata
// For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
// The path to the documents directory. | |
String dataDir = Utils.getDataDir(CreateWaterfallChart.class); | |
// Create an instance of Workbook | |
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(); | |
// Retrieve the first Worksheet in Workbook | |
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0); | |
// Retrieve the Cells of the first Worksheet | |
Cells cells = worksheet.getCells(); | |
// Input some data which chart will use as source | |
cells.get("A1").putValue("Previous Year"); | |
cells.get("A2").putValue("January"); | |
cells.get("A3").putValue("March"); | |
cells.get("A4").putValue("August"); | |
cells.get("A5").putValue("October"); | |
cells.get("A6").putValue("Current Year"); | |
cells.get("B1").putValue(8.5); | |
cells.get("B2").putValue(1.5); | |
cells.get("B3").putValue(7.5); | |
cells.get("B4").putValue(7.5); | |
cells.get("B5").putValue(8.5); | |
cells.get("B6").putValue(3.5); | |
cells.get("C1").putValue(1.5); | |
cells.get("C2").putValue(4.5); | |
cells.get("C3").putValue(3.5); | |
cells.get("C4").putValue(9.5); | |
cells.get("C5").putValue(7.5); | |
cells.get("C6").putValue(9.5); | |
// Add a Chart of type Waterfall in same worksheet as of data | |
int idx = worksheet.getCharts().add(ChartType.WATERFALL, 4, 4, 25, 13); | |
// Reterieve the Chart object | |
Chart chart = worksheet.getCharts().get(idx); | |
// Add Series | |
chart.getNSeries().add("$B$1:$C$6", true); | |
// Add Category Data | |
chart.getNSeries().setCategoryData("$A$1:$A$6"); | |
// Series has Up Down Bars | |
chart.getNSeries().get(0).setHasUpDownBars(true); | |
// Set the colors of Up and Down Bars | |
chart.getNSeries().get(0).getUpBars().getArea().setForegroundColor(Color.getGreen()); | |
chart.getNSeries().get(0).getDownBars().getArea().setForegroundColor(Color.getRed()); | |
// Make both Series Lines invisible | |
chart.getNSeries().get(0).getBorder().setVisible(false); | |
chart.getNSeries().get(1).getBorder().setVisible(false); | |
// Set the Plot Area Formatting Automatic | |
chart.getPlotArea().getArea().setFormatting(FormattingType.AUTOMATIC); | |
// Delete the Legend | |
chart.getLegend().getLegendEntries().get(0).setDeleted(true); | |
chart.getLegend().getLegendEntries().get(1).setDeleted(true); | |
// Save the workbook | | + "output.xlsx"); |