Create, Manipulate or Remove Scenarios from Worksheets

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Aspose.Cells provides some useful classes, for example ScenarioCollection, Scenario, ScenarioInputCellCollection and ScenarioInputCell. It also provides the Worksheet.Scenarios property. The sample code below opens an XLSX Excel file (that contains some scenarios) and removes an existing scenario from the worksheet. It also adds a new scenario before saving the Excel file. It uses a very simple template file that contains a scenario.

After executing the code, an existing scenario is removed and a new scenario is added to the worksheet.

The output file


// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// The path to the documents directory.
String dataDir = Utils.getDataDir(CreateScenariosfromWorksheets.class);
// Instantiate the Workbook
// Load an Excel file
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(dataDir + "Bk_scenarios.xlsx");
// Access first worksheet
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0);
// Remove the existing first scenario from the sheet
// Create a scenario
int i = worksheet.getScenarios().add("MyScenario");
// Get the scenario
Scenario scenario = worksheet.getScenarios().get(i);
// Add comment to it
scenario.setComment("Test sceanrio is created.");
// Get the input cells for the scenario
ScenarioInputCellCollection sic = scenario.getInputCells();
// Add the scenario on B4 (as changing cell) with default value
sic.add(3, 1, "1100000");
// Save the Excel file. + "outBk_scenarios1.xlsx");