Get Validation Applied on a Cell

The following snapshot shows the sample Microsoft Excel file used in the sample code below. Cell C1 has decimal validation applied and can only take values between 10 and 20.

A cell with validation


The sample code below gets the validation applied to C1 and reads its various properties.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// The path to the documents directory.
String dataDir = Utils.getDataDir(GetValidationAppliedonCell.class);
// Instantiate the workbook from sample Excel file
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(dataDir + "book1.xlsx");
// Access its first worksheet
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0);
// Cell C1 has the Decimal Validation applied on it.
// It can take only the values Between 10 and 20
Cell cell = worksheet.getCells().get("C1");
// Access the valditation applied on this cell
Validation validation = cell.getValidation();
// Read various properties of the validation
System.out.println("Reading Properties of Validation");
System.out.println("Type: " + validation.getType());
System.out.println("Operator: " + validation.getOperator());
System.out.println("Formula1: " + validation.getFormula1());
System.out.println("Formula2: " + validation.getFormula2());
System.out.println("Ignore blank: " + validation.getIgnoreBlank());

Here is the console output from the sample code executed with the sample file shown in the snapshot above.

Reading Properties of Validation


Type: 2

Operator: 0

Formula1: =10

Formula2: =20

Ignore blank: true
  • Data Validation