Spreadsheet Editor Knowledge Base

Embed HTML5 Spreadsheet Editor Anywhere

HTML5 Spreadsheet Editor can be embedded into any website, blog and forums to share spreadsheets across the internet. It can be embedded as a standalone editor or you can load it with a spreadsheet file.

Embed as standalone editor

To embed as a standalone editor, use the HTML IFRAME tag to add into the website. For example:

 <iframe src="http://spreadsheet-editor.aspose.com/" width="800" height="600">

    Your web browser does not support IFRAMEs


Embed with a spreadsheet

To load a spreadsheet into an embedded editor url parameter. For example:

 <iframe src="http://spreadsheet-editor.aspose.com/?url=http://example.com/Sample.xlsx" width="800" height="600">

    Your web browser does not support IFRAMEs
