Using Aspose.Cells for Java with Perl

Required Software and Libraries

The following software and libraries are required.

  • Perl.
  • Aspose.Cells for Java.
  • Java - Perl extension.
  • Java runtime that meets the requirement of Aspose.Cells for Java and Java-Perl extension.


To call a Java API in Perl, you need to install the Java-Perl extension for Perl first. (For the purposes of this article, we assume that Perl has been installed and set properly.) You can get the Java-Perl extension from Metzzo/Java-4.7/

At the end of this document, there is an example of Perl script that calls Aspose.Cells for Java. To run it, follow the following steps:

  1. Download the file Java-4.7.tar.gz and unzip it to your local drive.
  2. Install this package for Perl.
  3. Start JavaServer. The command will be:
 java -classpath ...  com.zzo.javaserver.JavaServer 

where … is the classpath which must include all the libraries required by your application.

To use Aspose.Cells for Java, should contain two JAR file at least:

  1. Aspose.Cells.jar from Aspose.Cells for Java
  2. JavaServer.jar from Java-4.7.tar.gz
  3. Run the Perl script which invokes the Aspose.Cells for Java API.

For more information on how to work with Java in Perl, see documentation of Java - Perl extension at


 my $ok = 0;

BEGIN { $| = 1; print "1..33\n"; }

END {print "not ok $ok - is JavaServer on localhost running?\nJavaServer must be running for these tests to function.\n" unless $loaded;}


print "WARNING: You cannot run these tests unless JavaServer is running!\n";

print "Do you want to continue? (Y/n) ";

my $in = <STDIN>;

exit 1 if ($in =~ /^n/i);


use lib '.';

use Java;

my $java = new Java();

$loaded = 1;


print "ok $ok\n";

my $workbook = $java->create_object("com.aspose.cells.Workbook");


print "workbook $ok\n";



print "open $ok\n";

my $worksheets = $workbook->getWorksheets();


print "worksheets $ok\n";

my $worksheet = $worksheets->get(0);


print "worksheet $ok\n";

my $cells = $worksheet->getCells();


print "cells $ok\n";

my $cell = $cells->getCell(0,1);


print "cell $ok\n";


$cell = $cells->getCell(1,1);


$cell = $cells->getCell(2,1);


$cell = $cells->getCell(3,1);




print "save $ok\n";