Using Aspose.Cells for Java with Perl
Aspose.Cells for Java is a pure Java component that can be used with Perl. Using the component is the same as invoking other common Java APIs in Perl. To call any Java library in Perl, you need to install the Java-Perl extension for Perl first. This is is needed to access JVM.
Required Software and Libraries
The following software and libraries are required.
- Perl.
- Aspose.Cells for Java.
- Java - Perl extension.
- Java runtime that meets the requirement of Aspose.Cells for Java and Java-Perl extension.
To call a Java API in Perl, you need to install the Java-Perl extension for Perl first. (For the purposes of this article, we assume that Perl has been installed and set properly.) You can get the Java-Perl extension from Metzzo/Java-4.7/
At the end of this document, there is an example of Perl script that calls Aspose.Cells for Java. To run it, follow the following steps:
- Download the file Java-4.7.tar.gz and unzip it to your local drive.
- Install this package for Perl.
- Start JavaServer. The command will be:
java -classpath ... com.zzo.javaserver.JavaServer
where … is the classpath which must include all the libraries required by your application.
To use Aspose.Cells for Java, should contain two JAR file at least:
- Aspose.Cells.jar from Aspose.Cells for Java
- JavaServer.jar from Java-4.7.tar.gz
- Run the Perl script which invokes the Aspose.Cells for Java API.
For more information on how to work with Java in Perl, see documentation of Java - Perl extension at
my $ok = 0;
BEGIN { $| = 1; print "1..33\n"; }
END {print "not ok $ok - is JavaServer on localhost running?\nJavaServer must be running for these tests to function.\n" unless $loaded;}
print "WARNING: You cannot run these tests unless JavaServer is running!\n";
print "Do you want to continue? (Y/n) ";
my $in = <STDIN>;
exit 1 if ($in =~ /^n/i);
use lib '.';
use Java;
my $java = new Java();
$loaded = 1;
print "ok $ok\n";
my $workbook = $java->create_object("com.aspose.cells.Workbook");
print "workbook $ok\n";
print "open $ok\n";
my $worksheets = $workbook->getWorksheets();
print "worksheets $ok\n";
my $worksheet = $worksheets->get(0);
print "worksheet $ok\n";
my $cells = $worksheet->getCells();
print "cells $ok\n";
my $cell = $cells->getCell(0,1);
print "cell $ok\n";
$cell = $cells->getCell(1,1);
$cell = $cells->getCell(2,1);
$cell = $cells->getCell(3,1);
print "save $ok\n";