show formula explanation for GridJs
To display formula explanation when hovering over a specific cell that contains a formula ,the steps are
Set load options.
for example:
const option = {
//set showFormulaExplain to true
xs = x_spreadsheet('#gridjs-demo', option)
Set action URL for showFormulaExplain.
for example:
const formulaExplainUrl = "/GridJs2/FormulaExplain";
When the user moves the mouse over a cell that contains a formula, the action of display formula explanation will be triggered automatically by the spreadsheet application
Implement show formula explanation action API in Controller in serverside.
for example:
public async Task<IActionResult> FormulaExplainAsync()
String formulaText = HttpContext.Request.Form["v"];
String locale = HttpContext.Request.Form["locale"];
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(formulaText))
return Ok(new
Success = false,
v = ""
//here the formulaText is the formula ,etc "=SUM(B1:B10)"
string correctedContent = await GetFormulaExplainAsync(formulaText, locale);
return Ok(new
Success = true,
v = correctedContent
//you need to implement it youself
private async Task<string> GetFormulaExplainAsync(string formulaText,string locale)
{ String result=null;
//your logic to get the detail explanation for the formulaText
return result;