Freeze and Unfreeze Panes
This topic explains how to freeze and unfreeze rows and columns. Freezing columns or rows allows users to keep the column headings or row titles visible while they scroll to other parts of the worksheet. This feature is very helpful when working with worksheets that contain large volumes of data. When users scroll only data is scrolled down and the headings stay in place, making the date easier to read. The freeze panes feature is only supported in Internet Explorer 6.0 or above.
Freezing Rows & Columns
To freeze a specific number of rows and columns:
- Add the Aspose.Cells.GridWeb control to a Web Form.
- Access a worksheet.
- Freeze a number of rows & columns.
It is also possible to freeze a specific number of rows & columns using the interface. Right-click a cell where you want to freeze rows & columns and select Freeze from the list.
Unfreezing Rows & Columns
To unfreeze rows and columns:
- Add the Aspose.Cells.GridWeb control to a Web Form.
- Access a worksheet.
- Unfreeze rows & columns.