Group Rows and Create Subtotal

Grouping Rows

To group a specific number of rows:

  1. Add the Aspose.Cells.GridWeb control to a Web Form.
  2. Access a worksheet.
  3. Select the desired number of cells in rows.
  4. Group the rows.

When the rows are grouped, an expand/collapse button is displayed at the top of the rows' Summary Line. You may change the direction setting. The WebWorksheet.IsSummaryRowBelow property is a Boolean property. Set it to false (default) and the summary row will be above the detail rows. Set it to true and the summary row will be below the detail rows. Click the expand/collapse button to expand or collapse grouped rows.

The following example groups the rows from 2nd row to 10th row.

Grouping rows


 // Accessing the reference of the worksheet that is currently active

GridWorksheet sheet = GridWeb1.WorkSheets[GridWeb1.ActiveSheetIndex];

// Group the rows

sheet.Cells.GroupRows(1, 9);

Nesting Grouped Rows

You can create levels of organization while grouping a set of rows. You may group rows among the grouped rows. The following example shows nesting grouped rows.

Grouping rows


 // Accessing the reference of the worksheet that is currently active

GridWorksheet sheet = GridWeb1.WorkSheets[GridWeb1.ActiveSheetIndex];

// Group the rows

sheet.Cells.GroupRows(1, 9);

// Create nested group of rows

sheet.Cells.GroupRows(4, 6);

Internal Process: How does the Control Work?

Each row of the sheet has an outline number. The default value of the outline number is zero. Every time you group the rows, the outline number is increased by 1. You may get the outline number by calling the GridWorksheet.Cells.GetRowOutlineLevel() method.

Ungroup Rows

Aspose.Cells.GridWeb allows you to ungroup grouped rows.

To ungroup a specific number of rows:

  1. Select a number of cells in the rows in the worksheet to ungroup.
  2. Ungroup the rows.

The following example ungroups the rows from 2nd row to 10th row.

 // Accessing the reference of the worksheet that is currently active

GridWorksheet sheet = GridWeb1.WorkSheets[GridWeb1.ActiveSheetIndex];

// Ungroup the rows

sheet.Cells.UngroupRows(1, 9); 

Creating Subtotal

The control’s subtotal feature can group the rows in the sheet with a specified column, and calculate the summary of the columns. Aspose.Cells.GridWeb can automatically calculate subtotal values for a list. When you implement subtotals, the control outlines the list so that you can display and hide the detail rows for each subtotal. Before adding subtotals, sort on the field you wish to subtotal on. To create subtotals, use any version of the overloaded WebWorksheet.CreateSubtotal method.

 public void CreateSubtotal


           int columnNameRowIndex,

           int dataRows,

           int groupByColumnIndex,

           SubtotalFunction subtotalFunction,

           int[] subtotalColumnIndexList


Parameters List

No. Parameter Name Description
1 columnNameRowIndex The row index of the column name row.
2 dataRows The number of the data rows.
3 groupByColumnIndex The column index of the column to be grouped.
4 subtotalFunction The subtotal function type enumeration.
5 subtotalColumnIndexList The column indexes to be subtotaled.

Summary Functions List

There are several types of summary functions supported by the {[SubtotalFunction}} enumeration:

No. Function Name Description
1 AVERAGE Calculates the average of the values.
2 COUNT Counts the numeric values in the cells.
3 COUNTA Counts the non-numeric data in the cells.
4 MAX Calculates the largest value.
5 MIN Calculates the smallest value.
6 PRODUCT Calculates the product of the values.
7 SUM Calculates the sum of the values.
The following example generates the subtotals that calculates the non-numeric values grouped by the second column in the worksheet.



 sheet.CreateSubtotal(0, sheet.Cells.MaxRow, 1, SubtotalFunction.COUNTA, new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 });

Removing Subtotal

To remove a subtotal, use the WebWorksheet.RemoveSubtotal method. The following example removes the subtotals.

 // Accessing the reference of the worksheet that is currently active

GridWorksheet sheet = GridWeb1.WorkSheets[GridWeb1.ActiveSheetIndex];

//Remove the subtotals


About the SUBTOTAL function

The GridWeb control makes use of the formula function SUBTOTAL to calculate the subtotal value.

Syntax: SUBTOTAL(function_num, ref1, ref2, …)

function_num is a number specifying the type of the function used in subtotal calculation.

ref1, ref2, are the areas to be subtotaled. If ref1, ref2, … contain other subtotal functions, the referenced cells are ignored to avoid duplicate calculation.