Нахождение или Поиск Данных

Поиск или поиск данных

Вы можете использовать Aspose.Cells для нахождения или поиска данных различными способами с помощью следующего метода.

Просмотреть больше методы.

Приведенный ниже образец кода иллюстрирует использование вышеуказанных методов с использованием образца файла Excel, как показано на этом скриншоте.


Образец кода

//For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-cells/Aspose.Cells-for-C
//Path of input
U16String dirPath(u"");
//Path of output
U16String outPath(u"");
//Path of input excel file
U16String sampleFindOrSearchData = testPath + u"sampleFindOrSearchData.xlsx";
//Load sample excel file into a workbook object
Workbook wb(sampleFindOrSearchData);
//Get first worksheet of the workbook
Worksheet ws = wb.GetWorksheets().Get(0);
Enumerator<Cell> enCell = ws.GetCells().GetEnumerator();
while (enCell.MoveNext())
Cell cell = enCell.GetCurrent();
U16String fmlVal = cell.GetFormula();
//Finding the cell containing the specified formula
if (!fmlVal.IsEmpty() && u"=SUM(A5:A10)" == cell.GetFormula())
//Printing the name of the cell found after searching worksheet
std::cout << "Name of the cell containing formula =SUM(A5:A10): " << cell.GetName().ToUtf8() << std::endl;
//Finding the cell containing the formula that contains CHA
else if (!fmlVal.IsEmpty() && cell.GetFormula().IndexOf(u"CHA") > -1)
//Printing the name of the cell found after searching worksheet
std::cout << "Name of the cell containing the formula that contains CHA: " << cell.GetName().ToUtf8() << std::endl;
switch (cell.GetType())
case CellValueType::IsString:
U16String strVal = cell.GetStringValue();
//Finding the cell containing the specified string
if (!strVal.IsEmpty() && cell.GetStringValue().IndexOf("SampleData") > -1)
//Printing the name of the cell found after searching worksheet
std::cout << "Name of the cell containing specified string: " << cell.GetName().ToUtf8() << std::endl;
//Finding the cell containing the string that contains "Two"
else if (!strVal.IsEmpty() && cell.GetStringValue().IndexOf("Two") > -1)
//Printing the name of the cell found after searching worksheet
std::cout << "Name of the cell containing the string that contains Two: " << cell.GetName().ToUtf8() << std::endl;
//Finding the cell containing the string that starts with AAA
else if (!strVal.IsEmpty() && cell.GetStringValue().IndexOf("AAA") == 0)
//Printing the name of the cell found after searching worksheet
std::cout << "Name of the cell containing the string that starts with AAA: " << cell.GetName().ToUtf8() << std::endl;
//Finding the cell containing the string that ends with BBB
else if (!strVal.IsEmpty() && cell.GetStringValue().IndexOf("BBB") == cell.GetStringValue().GetLength() - 3)
//Printing the name of the cell found after searching worksheet
std::cout << "Name of the cell containing the string that ends with BBB: " << cell.GetName().ToUtf8() << std::endl;
//Finding the cell containing the number 80
case CellValueType::IsNumeric:
if (80 == cell.GetIntValue())
//Printing the name of the cell found after searching worksheet
std::cout << "Name of the cell containing the number 80: " << cell.GetName().ToUtf8() << std::endl;

Вывод в консоль

Это вывод консоли вышеуказанного образца кода при выполнении с данным образцом файла Excel.

Name of the cell containing formula =SUM(A5:A10): C6
Name of the cell containing the formula that contains CHA: C7
Name of the cell containing the number 80: A8
Name of the cell containing specified string: C8
Name of the cell containing the string that contains Two: C9
Name of the cell containing specified string: C10
Name of the cell containing specified string: C11