Konvertera till MHTML-filer i PHP

Aspose.Cells - Konvertering till MHTML filer

För att konvertera kalkylblad till MHTML-fil med Aspose.Cells for Java i PHP, anropa kalkylblad_till_mhtml()-metoden för konverteringsmodulen.


 $sveFormat = new SaveFormat();

//Specify the file path

$filePath = $dataDir . "Book1.xlsx";

//Specify the HTML saving options

$sv = new HtmlSaveOptions($sveFormat->M_HTML);

//Instantiate a workbook and open the template XLSX file

$wb = new Workbook($filePath);

//Save the MHT file

$wb->save($filePath . ".out.mht", $sv);

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