Spara pivottabell i ODS fil
Aspose.Cells ger möjligheten att spara pivottabell i ODS-filer. För detta konverterar du bara en arbetsbok med en befintlig pivottabell eller skapar en ny pivottabell och sparar filen i ODS-formatet. Se till att anropa PivotTable.CalculateData() innan du sparar för att säkerställa att pivottabellen renderas i den slutgiltiga ODS-filen. Följande kodsnutt demonstrerar att spara pivottabell i ODS-fil.
// For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
String outputDir = Utils.Get_OutputDirectory(); | |
// Instantiating a Workbook object | |
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(); | |
// Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet | |
Worksheet sheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0); | |
Cells cells = sheet.getCells(); | |
// Setting the value to the cells | |
Cell cell = cells.get("A1"); | |
cell.putValue("Sport"); | |
cell = cells.get("B1"); | |
cell.putValue("Quarter"); | |
cell = cells.get("C1"); | |
cell.putValue("Sales"); | |
cell = cells.get("A2"); | |
cell.putValue("Golf"); | |
cell = cells.get("A3"); | |
cell.putValue("Golf"); | |
cell = cells.get("A4"); | |
cell.putValue("Tennis"); | |
cell = cells.get("A5"); | |
cell.putValue("Tennis"); | |
cell = cells.get("A6"); | |
cell.putValue("Tennis"); | |
cell = cells.get("A7"); | |
cell.putValue("Tennis"); | |
cell = cells.get("A8"); | |
cell.putValue("Golf"); | |
cell = cells.get("B2"); | |
cell.putValue("Qtr3"); | |
cell = cells.get("B3"); | |
cell.putValue("Qtr4"); | |
cell = cells.get("B4"); | |
cell.putValue("Qtr3"); | |
cell = cells.get("B5"); | |
cell.putValue("Qtr4"); | |
cell = cells.get("B6"); | |
cell.putValue("Qtr3"); | |
cell = cells.get("B7"); | |
cell.putValue("Qtr4"); | |
cell = cells.get("B8"); | |
cell.putValue("Qtr3"); | |
cell = cells.get("C2"); | |
cell.putValue(1500); | |
cell = cells.get("C3"); | |
cell.putValue(2000); | |
cell = cells.get("C4"); | |
cell.putValue(600); | |
cell = cells.get("C5"); | |
cell.putValue(1500); | |
cell = cells.get("C6"); | |
cell.putValue(4070); | |
cell = cells.get("C7"); | |
cell.putValue(5000); | |
cell = cells.get("C8"); | |
cell.putValue(6430); | |
PivotTableCollection pivotTables = sheet.getPivotTables(); | |
// Adding a PivotTable to the worksheet | |
int index = pivotTables.add("=A1:C8", "E3", "PivotTable2"); | |
// Accessing the instance of the newly added PivotTable | |
PivotTable pivotTable = pivotTables.get(index); | |
// Unshowing grand totals for rows. | |
pivotTable.setRowGrand(false); | |
// Draging the first field to the row area. | |
pivotTable.addFieldToArea(PivotFieldType.ROW, 0); | |
// Draging the second field to the column area. | |
pivotTable.addFieldToArea(PivotFieldType.COLUMN, 1); | |
// Draging the third field to the data area. | |
pivotTable.addFieldToArea(PivotFieldType.DATA, 2); | |
pivotTable.calculateData(); | |
// Saving the ODS file | | + "PivotTableSaveInODS_out.ods"); |
Utdatafilen som genererats av ovanstående kod är bifogad för din referens.